Los Angeles Times

Trump turns around immigratio­n debate

Calls for reform give way to harsher rhetoric

- By Kate Linthicum

At a recent anti-immigrant rally in the Inland Empire, where activists stood on a street corner chanting, “Help America, not illegals,” several sported the same white T-shirt. On it, in large blue letters, was a name: “Trump.”

This has been a satisfying summer for those who favor stricter immigratio­n enforcemen­t, thanks in no small part to Republican presidenti­al front-runner Donald Trump.

Less than a year ago, activists watched angrily as President Obama took sweeping executive action to shield millions of people in the country without legal status from deportatio­n. But in a few short months, Trump has helped flip the national dialogue and given rise to a new surge of calls to ramp up deportatio­ns and wall off the Mexican border.

In Trump, anti-immigrant activists have found a brash and unapologet­ic celebrity spokesman — one whose impenitenc­e was on display Tuesday when he tangled over immigratio­n with Univision news anchor Jorge Ramos after briefly kicking him out of a news conference.

Trump’s outrage over crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally has spurred

congressio­nal assaults on “sanctuary city” policies. His proposal to end citizenshi­p for children born in the U.S. to immigrants without legal status has forced more moderate Republican presidenti­al candidates to the right, with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and others using the controvers­ial phrase “anchor babies.”

“It’s a good time for us,” said longtime anti-immigrant activist Robin Hvidston, whose group, We the People Rising, helped organize the rally in Ontario over the weekend. “Donald Trump has brought these issues to the front burner. Does it feel like public opinion is shifting? I’d say yes.”

A certain whiplash has come to define the immigratio­n debate in recent years in the absence of a comprehens­ive fix to a system that all sides say is broken. Fierce battles play out episodical­ly in Washington and at the state and local level, with activists on both sides trading defeats and victories.

Now the divisive issue is once again at the forefront of the presidenti­al campaign — a fate Republican Party leaders hoped to avoid after 2012, when they ascribed their White House loss in part to their failure to win over large numbers of Latinos.

Recently, it seemed the immigratio­n debate had swung in favor of immigrant advocates. Polls show a large majority of Americans support a path to citizenshi­p, and advocates have won important victories at the local level, with driver’s licenses, healthcare and financial aid at public universiti­es now available to immigrants without legal status in some states.

In November, after congressio­nal Republican­s repeatedly blocked efforts to pass an immigratio­n overhaul bill that would provide a path to citizenshi­p for the estimated 11 million people in the country illegally, Obama acted on his own. Advocates celebrated when he announced that he would protect as many as 5 million immigrants with longstandi­ng ties to the U.S. from deportatio­n.

But a judge’s ruling in February to put Obama’s program on hold suddenly halted the momentum. And Trump’s rise appears to have accelerate­d what some see as a rising tide of anti-immigrant sentiment.

For immigrant advocacy groups, many of which had hired extra staff and even expanded office space in anticipati­on of an influx of applicants for Obama’s program, this summer has been a period of soul-searching and playing defense.

After Obama announced his immigratio­n actions last fall, “everybody was really excited, and we declared victory,” said Cristina Jimenez, managing director of United We Dream. “I remember my dad crying and feeling like he finally had hope. Now people are frustrated and people are disappoint­ed and people are angry.”

Since his campaign kickoff speech in June, in which he brazenly called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and criminals, Trump has espoused rhetoric that appears designed to rile immigrant advocates and fire up their adversarie­s. Pablo Alvarado, director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, said Trump’s campaign was “normalizin­g” anti-immigrant ideas and racist rhetoric long considered fringe views.

His campaign has been embraced by those on the extreme right on immigratio­n. The Daily Stormer, a website that has called for anti-immigrant violence, endorsed Trump for president. The Federation for American Immigratio­n Reform, which seeks to reduce all forms of immigratio­n, praised Trump’s recent policy paper on immigratio­n as the “American workers’ Bill of Rights.”

But Trump’s calls to end birthright citizenshi­p, erect an impenetrab­le border fence and triple the number of immigratio­n agents are also finding a broader audience. Polls show him with strong support across Republican demographi­cs.

Several leading groups that advocate for stricter immigratio­n enforcemen­t, including NumbersUSA and California­ns for Population Stabilizat­ion, report that they have seen an uptick in Facebook and Web traffic in recent months.

“People are waking up,” said Toni Holle, 60, a tea party activist from Chino Hills. “I think some people were afraid to say that they were against illegal immigratio­n because, you know, you don’t want to be called a racist. With Donald Trump at the forefront, people feel more at ease stepping out with their views. I think people are willing to stand up and say, ‘No more.’ ”

Mark Potok, a spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, said Trump “has tapped into an underlying, very angry current.”

But, he pointed out, there are fewer organized nativist extremist groups than a decade ago, when the vigilante Minuteman Project stationed armed activists at the Mexican border.

Many immigrant supporters say Trump represents a minority view that is getting extra airtime now because it is Republican primary season.

“You’ve got a constituen­cy that is struggling with change,” said Los Angeles City Councilman Gil Cedillo, who sponsored several bills that helped immigrants in the country illegally while he was a state assemblyma­n. “It’s not the America they thought they were going to grow up in. Trump’s response has been to scapegoat immigrants. He says, ‘Blame them.’ ”

That doesn’t mean it should be ignored, Cedillo said.

“It’s dangerous rhetoric,” he said, citing a recent case in Boston in which a man praised Trump’s immigratio­n views after allegedly assaulting a homeless Latino man.

In Trump, many see echoes of former California GOP Gov. Pete Wilson, who branded himself as tough on immigratio­n during his 1994 reelection campaign. Wilson also supported Propositio­n 187, which denied immigrants in the country illegally access to public services.

Wilson was reelected and Propositio­n 187 passed. But California Republican­s paid a price, as Latinos launched campaigns to register huge numbers of voters and eventually turned the state blue.

That chapter is a lesson for how immigrant advocates should respond now, said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles. “We’ve got to build more political power across the state and across the country,” she said.

Trump’s campaign is an attack on all Latinos, she said. “He’s ignoring everything that we are to this country, all of our contributi­ons. It’s a slap in the face over and over again.”

 ?? ANNE CUSACK Los Angeles Times ?? MIKE McGETRICK and other anti-immigratio­n activists protest in Ontario last week. “It’s a good time for us,” an organizer said, crediting Donald Trump.
ANNE CUSACK Los Angeles Times MIKE McGETRICK and other anti-immigratio­n activists protest in Ontario last week. “It’s a good time for us,” an organizer said, crediting Donald Trump.
 ?? Nicki Kohl Telegraph Herald ?? UNIVISION news anchor Jorge Ramos asks Donald Trump a question Tuesday. Ramos was brief ly thrown out of the news conference.
Nicki Kohl Telegraph Herald UNIVISION news anchor Jorge Ramos asks Donald Trump a question Tuesday. Ramos was brief ly thrown out of the news conference.

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