Los Angeles Times

Colbert at play in the best way

The ‘Late Show’ host is off to a strong and joyous start. And it’s all good.


And so it came to pass Tuesday night, after nine months of gestation and preparatio­n, of podcasts and promos, that Stephen Colbert, late of “The Colbert Report,” became (only) the second host of CBS’ “Late Show,” created for David Letterman in 1993. And it was good, it was very, very good.

There were a few small glitches and creaks, I will admit in the name of critical scrupulous­ness and credibilit­y, but you don’t leave a great party complainin­g about a crack in the bowl the potato chips were in. It started strong, ended strong, and in between it was mostly ... strong.

In moving from a basiccable comedy network to the top spot in the late-night lineup of a major broadcast network, Colbert is not just trading desks or getting a bigger room. Where primetime TV series come and go, at times so quickly you can feel the breeze, big-time latenight shows change hosts once a generation, if that. It is not so much a hiring as an investitur­e.

After an opening filmed piece, a supercut of “The Star-Spangled Banner” that featured the host singing with citizens on a baseball diamond, a bowling alley, in factory and field — without irony, but partially to get to Jon Stewart’s “Play ball!” — he bounded onstage. (He is a good bounder, as “Colbert Report” fans know.) He twirled, shared some high kicks with bandleader Jon Batiste of the New Orleans Batistes, as an audience that could not have been more in his corner chanted his name.

And at last, as will be the case going forward, he was able to take it all in unfiltered, to accept the love without the pretense of it feeding his self-love. There were echoes of “The Colbert

Report” — “Hello, nation,” he said in opening (adding, “I don’t know what that means”). A bit on Donald Trump could have played without change on his former show. There was a tribute to David Letterman, the “high pencil mark on the door frame we all have to measure ourselves against.”

The choice of Colbert to follow Letterman always felt sensible. He’s an Emmy winner, a Time magazine cover boy, and, seemingly, everything else that has a cover. And he shares many of Letterman’s best qualities: curiosity, intelligen­ce, seriousnes­s, a sense of the absurd, a speedy mind, a nose for phoniness.

He is unlike Letterman, too, in ways that suggest new possibilit­ies — younger, though at 51, still the oldest host in late night; less acerbic; less haunted. He seems too smart and sensitive never to have had a dark night of the soul, but self-loathing does not seem to be one of his challenges.

George Clooney and Jeb Bush were his first guests, a yin-yang booking that seemed to say, “Whatever you might have expected from all those years of liberal-skewing, conservati­ve-skewering satirical faux punditry, the new Colbert would not bow down to your expectatio­ns.”

The real key to his intentions seemed to be in the night’s closing number, in which bandleader Batiste was joined by (among others) Colbert, Mavis Staples, Buddy Guy, the Alabama Shakes’ Brittany Howard and Ben Folds, in a performanc­e of Sly Stone’s “Everyday People.”

“We’ve got to live together,” everybody sang. Colbert has acknowledg­ed that he’s another white man in a late-night field dominated by them — a fact that his singing with Staples made quite clear. But he is not making it all about himself.

That didn’t keep him from asking Bush some straight questions about policy; and if he didn’t press him as hard as Letterman might have, he didn’t just let him go. “I’m going to say something that’s heretic, I guess,” said Bush. “I don’t think Barack Obama has bad motives,” only bad ideas.

“Oh, you were so close to getting me to clap,” said Colbert, who in the “spirit of civility” admitted to Bush, “There is a non-zero chance that I would vote for you.”

They joked a little about the pictures of presidents that sometimes grace schoolroom­s. “It’s a little Stalinist, isn’t it?” said Colbert, reminding us that he is a different cat in network late night.

The Clooney interview that preceded it took a second to get on its feet, wobbling between seriousnes­s and shtick.

At last it relaxed into a bit in which Clooney’s lack of a product to promote let them invent one, a film called “Decision Strike.” There were clips. Will it be a hit? It’s a question that will be asked, and unanswered; but seems for the moment beside the point. There will be none of that Leno-Conan business. CBS is a patient, not a panicky, network. Their turnover is slow.

Network President and CEO Les Moonves, who hired him as “the only logical successor to Dave” — and was in the audience Tuesday night as part of a joke about switching the show back to reruns of “The Mentalist” — has himself been there for 20 years; at 65, he can take the long view.

But even from Tuesday, the view looks good.

“It is not easier necessaril­y to approach something with energy and vitality than with dread and morbidity,” Colbert said in one of the podcasts posted in the runup to the premiere. “It is only better.”

 ?? Jeffrey R. Staab CBS ?? STEPHEN COLBERT on Tuesday in his debut on “The Late Show.”
Jeffrey R. Staab CBS STEPHEN COLBERT on Tuesday in his debut on “The Late Show.”
 ?? Jeffrey R. Staab CBS ?? STEPHEN COLBERT, right, chats with George Clooney, his first guest in his debut as “Late Show” host.
Jeffrey R. Staab CBS STEPHEN COLBERT, right, chats with George Clooney, his first guest in his debut as “Late Show” host.

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