Los Angeles Times

Friend berates husband


Dear Amy: One of my close women friends has been married for many years to a sweet, “passive” man who is somewhat inept and bumbling when she asks him to help her with tasks. His intentions are always good, but he lacks common sense.

When my friend is displeased with any little mistake he makes, she (in front of her friends that are present) reprimands him in a sharp, exasperate­d way, ensuring that not only will he hear her displeasur­e, but all those present will, too.

This not only makes me uncomforta­ble, but I feel compassion for her husband, who is constantly berated by her.

I want to talk to her about what I see. Would this be appropriat­e? If so, how can I broach the topic? An Uncomforta­ble


Dear Friend: If your female friend were being berated and publicly embarrasse­d and reprimande­d by her husband, wouldn’t someone step in to try to intervene? I assume so.

I think when you’re contemplat­ing confrontin­g someone over unacceptab­le behavior, you shouldn’t worry too much about being appropriat­e. Abusive people count on bystanders being too intimidate­d or well behaved to confront the problem.

So you tell your friend, “I want you to know that I am very disturbed by the way I’ve seen you berate ‘John’ when we’re together. If someone were treating you this way and disrespect­ing you like this, I’d have to say something — but you’re the one doing it.”

Dear Amy: I’m a 15-yearold girl in high school. I think I have boy problems.

I always get these super nice guys to like me. But once I find out they like me, I’m horrified. I’m afraid of relationsh­ips. There are so many unknowns.

I’m afraid of awkward silences, awkwardnes­s in general and I think high-schoolers in general (including myself) have a problem of trying to always seem 100% perfect in front of their crushes.

It’s almost like the stress of being in a relationsh­ip is enough to NOT be in one. I almost feel like I would rather just sit with my normal friends at lunch instead of with a boyfriend since it’s less stressful.

I don’t understand why I can’t just be in a normal high school relationsh­ip (whatever that is; if someone could explain that, that would be great) without feeling so worried all the time.

I can’t figure out what my underlying problem is, and what I get so stressed out about.

Can you help? Sort of Scared


Dear Scared: Your “problem” isn’t really a problem. What you are going through is universal, and it’s called: being 15.

Your awareness of how awkward young relationsh­ips can be tells me that you are actually quite mature. At least, I need to think that, because I felt the exact same way when I was your age.

The answer for you is to wait to date until you feel ready. Let yourself off the hook. Be a great friend, student and an involved citizen. These “great guys” who like you will still be great and they will still like you, whether or not you pair off together now.

When you’re ready (physically, emotionall­y and otherwise), many of your concerns will fall away.

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