Los Angeles Times


Canada’s young prime minister claims a spot on the global stage

- By Michael A. Memoli and Christi Parsons michael.memoli@latimes.com christi.parsons@latimes.com Memoli reported from Manila and Parsons from Washington.

MANILA — The contrast was inescapabl­e. At the top of a local newspaper’s front page was a huge photo of the new Canadian prime minister, in a trim suit and wind blowing through his hair, captioned “ladies’ choice.” Next to him was a workmanlik­e headline over a separate story: “Obama to give PH two warships.”

President Obama, once a glamorous figure among world leaders, has been replaced as the “It Boy” of the summit circuit by Canada’s newly elected Justin Trudeau, as heads of government­s meet up this week in Turkey, the Philippine­s and Malaysia.

Though Obama came to Manila for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n summit with a new financial commitment to bolster the Philippine maritime fleet, the nation’s hearts and minds seemed won over by the 43-year-old Canadian, who lighted up Twitter with the designatio­n #APECHottie.

If there was any resentment on the part of a president whose hair is more salt than pepper these days, it didn’t show as he and Trudeau sat down for their first official meeting.

Obama warned him: “If you don’t want to gray like me, you need to start dyeing it soon.”

“So young and yet so cynical,” Trudeau joked in response.

Though Trudeau’s global image as a hip, next-generation leader mirrors Obama’s of seven years ago, Trudeau’s views on some of Obama’s biggest policy priorities provide a more sobering contrast.

Trudeau has been ambivalent on the massive Pacific trade deal Obama is pushing, and he reiterated to Obama on Thursday that he planned to follow through on his campaign pledge to end Canada’s part in the air campaign against Islamic State — though his nation will ramp up efforts to train local fighters in Iraq and Syria.

“Canada continues to be a strong player, doing its part — and more than its part,” Trudeau said.

Difference­s in viewpoint between two North American leaders is familiar. Canadian leaders have long tried to show independen­ce from the United States in matters of foreign policy. Trudeau’s father, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, was one of the first Western leaders to embrace communist China and grew so close to Fidel Castro that the Cuban leader served as an honorary pallbearer at his funeral.

“Canada and the U.S. have not always seen eye-to-eye when there’s a Liberal government in power, something that stems from Trudeau’s own party and parentage,” said Antonia Maioni, a political science professor at McGill University in Montreal who researches and writes about the Canadian political process and social policy. “It stems from the Canadian attitude that emerged under Pierre Trudeau that was about Canada finding its own way in internatio­nal relations and not just being part of the U.S. orbit.”

But in the budding relationsh­ip between Obama and the younger Trudeau, there may be potential for collaborat­ion, given the youth-oriented campaign that Trudeau ran — Obama noted the similarity to his own “hope and change” message — and their shared affinity for progressiv­e social policies, especially on climate change.

Given that common ground, said Maioni, Trudeau may eventually drift more closely toward Obama’s point of view on national security and trade too.

“A lot of people in Trudeau’s inner circle were inspired by and have taken advice from people around Obama,” she said. “That may open a conversati­on that would allow for change.”

Obama and Trudeau on Thursday began to explore an area in which they may be able make progress together — the fight against climate change. Obama’s recent announceme­nt to reject a Canadian company’s request to build the controvers­ial Keystone XL pipeline that would have carried crude oil from Alberta to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries was fortunate for Trudeau, said James Coleman, a legal scholar at the University of Calgary who studies environmen­tal and energy regulation. Even though Trudeau was in favor of the pipeline, he is helped by the timing of the debate over it, which came during the tenure of his predecesso­r, the Conservati­ve Party’s Stephen Harper.

“Given that President Obama was going to reject the pipeline, sooner was better for him,” said Coleman. “Because now it will be easier for him to pin it on Harper.”

Added Coleman: “It’s not hard to predict a little more friendline­ss between Obama and Trudeau than there was between Obama and Harper.”

Trudeau, whose graduate studies were in environmen­tal science, emphasized the similariti­es in his and Obama’s climate doctrines. He noted that Canadians feel that their government hasn’t done enough to protect the environmen­t, and he vowed to set and meet tough targets for carbon reduction.

Obama echoed the sentiment, arguing that transition from fossil fuels “does not happen overnight,” especially by nations that produce and consume a lot of oil and gas. Seated next to Trudeau, the father of three young children, Obama, who has two daughters, also made an argument about parenthood.

“If we want to preserve this planet for our kids and grandkids, then we’re going to have to shift increasing­ly away from carbon-emitting energy sources,” Obama said. “This is going to be a messy, bumpy process worldwide but I am confident that we can get it done.”

‘A lot of people in Trudeau’s inner circle were inspired by and have taken advice from people around Obama. That may open a conversati­on that would allow for change.’

—Antonia Maioni,

a political science professor at McGill University

 ?? Susan Walsh
Associated Press ?? JUSTIN TRUDEAU, Canada’s prime minister, and President Obama share the stage at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n summit in Manila. Although the two men differ on foreign policy and economic matters, they share an affinity for social issues.
Susan Walsh Associated Press JUSTIN TRUDEAU, Canada’s prime minister, and President Obama share the stage at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperatio­n summit in Manila. Although the two men differ on foreign policy and economic matters, they share an affinity for social issues.

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