Los Angeles Times

Do guns and civil rights mix?

There’s no reason to think stronger gun control laws would help minorities.

- By Matt Welch Matt Welch is editor in chief of Reason.

When media outlets from the National Journal to Rolling Stone cover the bipartisan push for criminal justice reform — an effort that includes everyone from Rand Paul to Cory Booker, the Koch brothers to even the ACLU — their go-to phrase to characteri­ze the movement is “unlikely coalition.” Actually, there’s nothing particular­ly surprising about the fact that civil libertaria­ns come in more than one flavor or political party. Disagreeme­nt on, say, taxation doesn’t necessitat­e disagreeme­nt on mass incarcerat­ion.

Meanwhile, the media have treated the budding partnershi­p between the ascendant Black Lives Matter and the perenniall­y frustrated gun control movement as if it were the most natural thing in the world — probably because both efforts lean left. That alliance, however, is truly unlikely, even nonsensica­l. Historical­ly, civil rights and gun control have been at odds. The blunt fact is that one side seeks to rein in law enforcemen­t, while the other wishes to give it more power.

“Why isn’t gun control part of the Black Lives Matter platform?” lamented the Boston Globe’s Farah Stockman in September. As if in answer to her prayers, Politico reported last month that “groups aligned with Black Lives Matter have started taking part in weekly conference calls with Washington’s top gun control advocates.” One of the main sources in the Politico story, National Urban League President Marc Morial, is an advisory board member of the Michael Bloomberg-run advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. The gun control movement, Morial said in a much-forwarded quote, “is too white.”

There may be more to that observatio­n than many National Rifle Assn. haters care to discuss. As Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas noted in his blistering concurrenc­e in 2010’s McDonald vs. Chicago, which incorporat­ed the 2nd Amendment as an individual right in all 50 states, explicitly racist gun restrictio­ns and confiscati­ons were a critical tool for pro-slavery whites in the post-Civil War South.

“Militias such as the Ku Klux Klan, the Knights of the White Camellia, the White Brotherhoo­d, the Pale Faces, and the ’76 Associatio­n spread terror among blacks and white Republican­s by breaking up Republican meetings, threatenin­g political leaders, and whipping black militiamen,” Thomas wrote. “Without federal enforcemen­t of the inalienabl­e right to keep and bear arms, these militias and mobs were tragically successful in waging a campaign of terror against the very people the Fourteenth Amendment had just made citizens.”

Closer to our era, the sight of armed Black Panthers marching into Sacramento’s state Capitol building in 1967 proved spooky enough to white sensibilit­ies that the NRA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan both supported a reactionar­y ban on open carry.

And then there’s Bloomberg. This would-be ally of Black Lives Matter is the primary defender of one of BLM’s most hated policies: New York’s notorious stop-andfrisk program. During Bloomberg’s tenure as mayor, cops shook down more than 1,100 residents a day in overwhelmi­ngly poor and minority communitie­s, helping produce nearly 40,000 marijuana arrests a year even though low-level pot possession was essentiall­y decriminal­ized in the state. (In a neat trick, police would ask friskees to turn out their pockets, at which point they were exposing themselves to the Class B misdemeano­r of making weed “open to public view.”)

We think of stop-and-frisk as a drug or simple harassment measure, but Bloomberg’s legal justificat­ion was the need to keep guns off the streets. According to Bloomberg’s logic, cops needed to initiate more than 5 million interactio­ns between 2002 and 2013, 86% of which were with black or Latino residents, just so that once every 500 stops or so the effort would turn up a firearm. There is an always timely lesson

in those statistics: Whenever government agents gain more power over citizens, whether to enforce bans on loose cigarettes or raze private property to build a baseball stadium, poor and disadvanta­ged communitie­s will be on the receiving end first and hardest.

Campaign Zero, a criminal justice reform organizati­on emanating from the decentrali­zed Black Lives Matter movement, recently released a 10-point plan to curb police violence. High on the list: “End Profiling and ‘Stop-and-Frisk.’” Samuel Sinyangwe of Campaign Zero sensibly told the website TakePart last month, “I would encourage folks who have more insight into the potential racial impact of gun control legislatio­n to present that research to the movement so we can have a more nuanced debate.”

Preliminar­y research shows plenty of disparate impact. The Washington Post’s criminal justice writer, Radley Balko, observed last year that in 2013, “47.3% of those convicted for federal gun crimes were black — a racial disparity larger than any other class of federal crimes, including drug crimes.”

In fact, guns and drugs have been inextricab­ly linked in both the creation of the mass incarcerat­ion system and the reform movement aiming to scale it back. Bill Clinton’s omnibus 1994 crime bill, which the former president recently apologized for signing, included not just across-the-board increases in penalties for illegal narcotics but also an assault weapons ban. The Senate’s Sentencing Reform and Correction­s Act, which passed through committee last month, includes reductions in mandatory prison sentencing primarily for two types of aggravatin­g circumstan­ce: gun and drug possession.

Black Lives Matter cofounder Alicia Garza has called the disproport­ionate imprisonme­nt of black citizens an “act of state violence.” How exactly would gun control, which boosts the state’s monopoly over violence and empowers police to harass citizens guilty of nothing more than living in higher-crime neighborho­ods, improve matters? It will take more than an unlikely coalition to square that circle.

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