Los Angeles Times

The dish on GMO foods

Battling public fear, the FDA says science isn’t always a bad ingredient

- By Karen Kaplan Probably nothing. “We do not intend to take enforcemen­t action against a label using the acronym ‘GMO,’” the FDA guidance says. karen.kaplan@latimes.com Twitter: @LATkarenka­plan

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion wants Americans to stop talking about “GMOs.”

It’s not that the agency wants people to pretend that the nation’s food supply is unadultera­ted by modern science. It’s that regulators want the public to understand exactly what it means to say that a product is “geneticall­y modified.”

The issue returned to the spotlight last week when the FDA gave its blessing to the AquAdvanta­ge Salmon, a type of Atlantic salmon whose genome includes a growth hormone gene borrowed from chinook salmon and additional DNA from an eel-like fish that keeps that gene turned on. With the extra DNA spliced in, AquAdvanta­ge Salmon reach market size twice as fast as their convention­al, farm-raised counterpar­ts.

In announcing their approval of the geneticall­y engineered salmon, federal regulators emphasized that the addition of DNA from a related species presents no danger to consumers, the environmen­t or the fish itself. The resulting food is nutritiona­lly indistingu­ishable from traditiona­l Atlantic salmon and is “safe to eat,” said Dr. Bernadette Dunham, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine.

At the same time, the agency issued new guidance to food makers about how to describe their products and the bioenginee­ring that may, or may not, have gone into them.

The FDA can’t require engineered foods to carry a label describing them as such; in order to warrant such a label, the food would have to be materially different from its non-engineered brethren, according to federal law.

But companies may label their products voluntaril­y to let consumers know whether their food contains engineered ingredient­s. The FDA’s advice is aimed at making sure these labels are neither false nor misleading.

Here’s a closer look at that advice: What is a GMO?

GMO stands for “geneticall­y modified organism.” In common parlance, this has come to mean a food made with ingredient­s that were geneticall­y engineered. Visit a Whole Foods grocery store, for instance, and you can find tortillas, baby food, bath soap, Chardonnay and scores of other items that have been certified “non-GMO.”

The FDA is concerned that this label descriptio­n is overly broad and sometimes is inaccurate. How so?

Practicall­y all foods with plant ingredient­s have been geneticall­y modified in some way. Traditiona­l plant breeding involves changing the DNA of a crop to improve it in some way, such as taste, color, longevity or pest resistance. Selective breeding of crops may change a single gene in a plant or alter an entire suite of genes. Either way, the result is a crop that is geneticall­y modified.

An example of a food that isn’t geneticall­y modified would be “berries collected from wild plant varieties,” according to the FDA. Which part is inaccurate?

In many cases, it’s the use of the word “organism.” “Most foods do not contain entire organisms,” the FDA says.

One exception would be yogurt, which includes bacterial microorgan­isms such as Streptococ­cus thermophil­us and Lactobacil­lus bulgaricus. How is food geneticall­y engineered?

Instead of changing a plant or animal’s DNA through breeding over many generation­s, scientists make direct, specific changes to DNA in the lab. First, they figure out which genes they want to add. Then they insert those genes by injecting them directly into cells or splicing them into a virus that will transfer the genes itself, among other options. Isn’t that a lot to fit onto a label?

Yes, but no one is asking for that. The FDA simply wants manufactur­ers to say that their products are “not bioenginee­red,” “not geneticall­y engineered” or “not geneticall­y modified through the use of modern biotechnol­ogy.”

If food makers want to get more detailed, they can say something like, “Our tomato growers do not plant bioenginee­red seeds,” or “This oil is made from soybeans that were not geneticall­y engineered.” What will the FDA do if companies ignore their advice? Does that mean companies can say anything they want?

No. The FDA has warned it would come after companies that make false or misleading claims.

For instance, a company can’t say that its products are free of geneticall­y engineered ingredient­s if they aren’t. Nor should it boast that none of its ingredient­s is bioenginee­red if some of those ingredient­s, such as salt, would be impossible to geneticall­y engineer.

It would also be dishonest for a company to tout the fact that one of its ingredient­s isn’t geneticall­y engineered while failing to mention that others are. Anything else?

A company could run into trouble if it “suggests or implies that a food product or ingredient is safer, more nutritious, or otherwise has different attributes than other comparable foods because the food was not geneticall­y engineered,” the FDA says.

 ?? Carline Jean Sun Sentinel ?? NEW GUIDELINES about how to describe how products were made don’t require specific labeling, but food makers can voluntaril­y tell consumers about bioenginee­ring, or lack thereof, as Whole Foods does.
Carline Jean Sun Sentinel NEW GUIDELINES about how to describe how products were made don’t require specific labeling, but food makers can voluntaril­y tell consumers about bioenginee­ring, or lack thereof, as Whole Foods does.

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