Los Angeles Times

How to spend the savings

Fewer felony cases and fewer jail inmates should translate into funding for other programs.


Thousands of felony cases that would have been prosecuted by the office of Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey became misdemeano­rs late last year because of Propositio­n 47. Lacey’s caseload dropped precipitou­sly — first, because police were making far fewer arrests for drug crimes and theft, so they were bringing in far fewer cases; and second, because so many of the cases they did bring in were now misdemeano­rs that went to L.A. City Atty. Mike Feuer and his counterpar­ts in a handful of other cities — Pasadena, Long Beach, Santa Monica, even Hawthorne.

What is the value to the county of such a steep reduction in workload? Surely such a thing is quantifiab­le. If an increase in workload carries a cost, a decrease certainly brings savings. So how much savings? Where did it all go?

And what about the fact that L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell, an outspoken opponent of Propositio­n 47, acknowledg­es that because of the ballot measure, he now has far fewer people moving through his jails? A year ago, the jails were so overcrowde­d that the sheriff could keep inmates who were convicted of misdemeano­rs for only 40% of their sentences. That number had at one point dropped to 20%. Today, the jail is still full, but inmates are being kept for 70% to 90% of their sentences because there are fewer new convicts coming in each day.

How much is that worth to the county? And what are the new savings (or costs) to other county department­s in the criminal justice system, such as the Probation Department, the public defender, the alternate public defender and others?

As McDonnell and other critics of Propositio­n 47 have attempted to blame upticks in crime on the change in law, they argue that one of the measure’s fatal flaws is a long delay in funding for drug rehab and other programs. It is true that the ballot measure creates a fund that will be unavailabl­e until August 2016. Critics say that means 22 months’ worth of arrested drug suspects out on their own recognizan­ce, free to engage in mischief, without any new programs or facilities available to put them on a responsibl­e path.

But in fact there need not be any such funding gap. The state Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office studied the numbers and projected savings to counties from Propositio­n 47 at “hundreds of millions of dollars.” Counties could choose, right now, to spend their savings on all those rehab and reentry programs that critics say are not yet funded.

Because the savings mostly come in the form of reductions in workload, though, they won’t easily translate into cash unless they are accompanie­d by sufficient staff reductions to keep the per-employee caseload constant. Most of a county’s costs are in payroll.

But even without workforce reductions — and just to be clear, The Times does not advocate layoffs — the decrease in caseload has a value that presents itself in the form of policy choices. With fewer felonies to prosecute, for example, the district attorney could choose to lighten each individual lawyer’s caseload, or take on felony cases the office previously would have let go. Or assign more lawyers to commendabl­e new programs like the unit to review wrongful conviction­s or the task force working to provide treatment instead of incarcerat­ion for mentally ill people accused of crimes. Or assign more lawyers — or fewer — to the important task of reviewing petitions by inmates now serving felony time for crimes that Propositio­n 47 turned into misdemeano­rs.

Transformi­ng the reduced prosecutor­ial and incarcerat­ion caseload into an increased drug rehab and reentry services caseload would require some creativity. But the first step is to quantify the savings and acknowledg­e the choices.

Los Angeles County has not yet done that. It is in the nature of bureaucrac­y — especially public bureaucrac­y — for increases in workload to be accompanie­d by demands for more funding but decreases in workload to be absorbed without anyone offering up or even acknowledg­ing their savings. Spending decisions are still made, of course, but absent public discussion, they are generally made by default. They should instead be made deliberate­ly and publicly by the Board of Supervisor­s, the district attorney and the sheriff, as well as by nonelected county officials, with full acknowledg­ment of the costs and benefits of selecting one option over another.

Service providers who are working hard to help eligible applicants clean up their felony records and apply for housing and jobs argue that the county has funding to help them but is instead spending it on prosecutin­g and jailing. More than a year after voters adopted Propositio­n 47, they ask, where is the county implementa­tion plan that acknowledg­es the savings and brings advocates, community groups and providers to the table to discuss policy choices?

Supervisor­s Hilda Solis and Mark RidleyThom­as are working on such a plan, which is expected to come before the full board this month. It is a belated but welcome step in the right direction. County criminal justice leaders already convene regularly but have not yet seriously dealt with Propositio­n 47. The supervisor­s have made great strides this year by approachin­g their steepest challenges — homelessne­ss, mental illness, child welfare — in a more thoughtful, strategic and productive manner, but have not yet applied that thinking to Propositio­n 47. The county has the capacity — and the obligation — to do far more than it has done until now to ensure that the voters’ will is put into effect in a manner that enhances public safety and maximizes the impact of county resources.

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