Los Angeles Times

What people think about government

Most simply don’t trust it, a poll finds, but many appreciate specific programs.

- By David Lauter david.lauter@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — Americans have low levels of trust in the federal government and most find it poorly run and wasteful in general, even as they give high marks to many of its specific programs, according to a new poll.

Nearly 6 in 10 respondent­s said they felt “frustrated” by the government and 1 in 5 described themselves as “angry” toward it, according to the large-scale survey by the nonpartisa­n Pew Research Center.

About 3 in 4 said government is “pretty much run by a few big interests looking out for themselves” rather than “run for the benefit of all the people,” and a similar share said the influence of money on the country’s politics had increased.

Only about 1 in 5 respondent­s said they felt they could trust the government in Washington to do the right thing most of the time. Large majorities had a low opinion of the honesty of the country’s elected officials. And in recent years, many have also soured on the judgment of fellow citizens.

As recently as the mid-1990s, large majorities in both parties and among selfdescri­bed independen­ts said they had “trust and confidence in the political wisdom of the American people.”

That view started to decline in the early 2000s, but took a sharp drop starting late in the George W. Bush administra­tion, as partisan tensions mounted. That decline has continued through the Obama administra­tion years, and today only slightly more than one-third of Democrats and Republican­s and fewer than onequarter of independen­ts say they have confidence in the public’s wisdom.

And yet, despite those measures of unhappines­s about government and politics in general, large majorities have positive views about much that the government does in particular.

About 3 out of 4 respondent­s said they felt that the government did a good job on issues that bipartisan majorities considered important, including ensuring safe food and medicine, responding to natural disasters and setting safety rules for workplaces.

The survey also found that nearly 3 in 4 respondent­s said the government was doing a good job “keeping the country safe from terrorism.” The survey, which interviewe­d about 6,000 adult Americans, was taken over several weeks of the fall, before the terrorist attacks this month in Paris.

Of 13 major government functions the survey asked about, majorities gave positive performanc­e ratings to 10 of them, the survey found.

The biggest exception was managing the immigratio­n system. Majorities of Democrats and Republican­s agreed that the government handled immigratio­n poorly, with only 28% saying the government was doing a good job.

Large majorities gave positive marks to a long list of government agencies, starting with the Postal Service, which, despite being a butt of many jokes in popular culture, gets a positive rating from 84% of Americans.

The Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI and the Social Security Administra­tion all received favorable marks from large majorities of respondent­s. The Environmen­tal Protection Agency and the National Security Agency generated less agreement, but for both, 52% of respondent­s rated the agencies positively, with about 1 in 3 giving thumbs down.

The biggest exceptions were, not surprising­ly, the Internal Revenue Service and the embattled Department of Veterans Affairs, both of which more than half of respondent­s viewed negatively. In the case of the VA, that marked a sharp drop from the high marks it received in previous years.

Respondent­s were evenly divided in their view of the Justice Department, and by a small majority had a negative view of the Education Department. In both cases, Republican­s and independen­ts who lean toward the GOP were far more negative than Democrats and those who lean in their direction.

A similar sharp partisan divide exists on some questions of what the government should do and whether it is doing its job well.

More than 8 in 10 Democrats said the government should play a major role in ensuring access to healthcare, for example. By contrast, one-third of Republican­s said they felt that way. A similar divide exists on whether the government should play a major role in helping people get out of poverty.

A somewhat smaller, but still noticeable, partisan split exists on whether the federal government should play a major role in protecting the environmen­t, strengthen­ing the economy, ensuring access to quality education, guaranteei­ng a basic income to those older than 65 and setting workplace standards.

On each of those issues, about 8 in 10 Democrats said they saw a major role for the federal government and between half and two-thirds of Republican­s agreed.

Partisan gaps loomed largest among people who are most engaged in politics — those who vote regularly and pay attention to public affairs. About half of Republican­s and GOP leaners and one-third of Democrats and Democratic leaners met that test for engagement.

On nearly all measures, politicall­y engaged Republican­s were significan­tly more conservati­ve than Republican­s in general. Politicall­y engaged Democrats were somewhat more liberal than other Democrats, although the gap was smaller than on the GOP side.

Nine in 10 politicall­y engaged Democrats, for example, said the government should have a major role in ensuring access to healthcare. Among less engaged Democrats, about 8 in 10 agreed. Among engaged Republican­s, just 1 in 5 said they saw a major role for government in ensuring healthcare access, but nearly half of the less engaged Republican­s said they did.

About 4 in 10 politicall­y engaged Republican­s described themselves as “angry” toward the federal government. Donald Trump does well among that group, with 64% of them saying they see him favorably, the poll found. Among those who do not describe themselves as angry with the government, 48% said they had a favorable view of Trump.

 ?? Max Gersh
Rockford Register Star ?? A POSTAL WORKER in Illinois. Large majorities in a poll had favorable views of several government agencies, starting with the Postal Service. The Pentagon, CIA, FBI and Social Security Administra­tion also had high marks. The IRS did not.
Max Gersh Rockford Register Star A POSTAL WORKER in Illinois. Large majorities in a poll had favorable views of several government agencies, starting with the Postal Service. The Pentagon, CIA, FBI and Social Security Administra­tion also had high marks. The IRS did not.

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