Los Angeles Times

Diagnosing and beating cancer


Re “Let’s look less hard for cancer,” Opinion, Nov. 19

Dr. H. Gilbert Welch misses the point regarding the appropriat­e use of screening tests. The largescale problem in this country is not overscreen­ing but rather underuse of testing proven to detect lethal diseases at potentiall­y treatable stages.

Most every death from colon and cervical cancer could have been prevented with appropriat­e use of colonoscop­ies and cervical screening. Advances in detecting prostate cancer, one of the more challengin­g and heterogene­ous cancers, are making it easier to determine which cancers merit watchful waiting versus aggressive interventi­on.

A great challenge that Welch does not mention is that every “new” guideline — especially those written with no new data to support their recommenda­tions and those by “experts” who are not specialist­s in the specific disease — often confuse patients and practition­ers alike.

In the end, skepticism often leads to discountin­g of the value of screening at all, leading to worsened patients outcomes because of changing policy.

Benjamin Ansell, MD

Los Angeles

Welch cites the PSA screening test for prostate cancer and mammograms for breast cancer as examples of overdiagno­sis.

We don’t need less testing; rather, we need to be wary of how doctors interpret and use test results, and most critically that they do not use test results to do more procedures that are not warranted.

Jim Gould


Re “Spotting cancer early may hinge on insurance,” Nov. 19

This article brings up a most distressin­g reality: How early a patient is diagnosed with colon cancer depends on the type of health insurance he or she has.

Medi-Cal patients have the lowest rate of diagnosis of colon cancer in an early stage, when the disease is most curable: Only 20% of them had the cancer diagnosed in Stage 0 or I and 23% in Stage II. The UC Davis study considered the financial realities of various major health insurance programs.

My 35 years of service as chairman of the cancer program at the Long Beach VA medical center showed that in addition to the finances of healthcare, a commitment to making an early diagnosis results in the best performanc­e. Indeed, the article notes that among VA patients with colon cancer, 48% were diagnosed in Stage 0 or Stage I, and 20% were diagnosed in Stage II.

This is the key to a cancer cure.

Edgar M. Moran, MD

Long Beach

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