Los Angeles Times

Palin on the stump for Trump

Re “Palin lends key support to Trump,” Jan. 20


Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump seems to be able to shrug off and survive blowback from anything he says, regardless of whom he may offend.

He ridiculed Sen. John McCain ( R- Ariz.) for having been a longtime prisoner of war in Vietnam. He has antagonize­d women, talked of immigrants as if they were criminals and annoyed the GOP leadership — only to see his poll numbers go up. Even kissing up to Vladimir Putin helped him.

Now he is faced with the ultimate test: how to survive endorsemen­t by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Jorg Aadahl

San Mateo, Calif.

Just when it seemed that Palin had gotten off the public stage, she emerges to endorse the irrepressi­ble, irascible Trump.

No wonder Trump was beaming upon receiving Palin’s imprimatur. The union of two know- nothings is no doubt gratifying for both.

I would not be at all surprised to see Palin named Trump’s running mate, a ticket that would pave the way for a 2016 general election suicide, all but certain to place Hillary Clinton in the White House, turn the United States Senate over to the Democrats and vastly diminish the GOP majority in the House.

Trump is the king of liars, an area in which I do not believe Palin can match his “expertise.” Still, the pair is well- matched in the ability to deliver insults and to be mean- spirited— just what the country needs to further divide us.

Oren Spiegler

Upper Saint Clair, Pa.

So now Trump has two major endorsemen­ts: Palin and Putin. He must be very proud.

Lois Winsen

San Diego

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