Los Angeles Times

Panel to audit L. A. fair group

State inquiry will examine executives’ pay and nonprofit’s changing mission.

- By Paul Pringle and Rong- Gong Lin I I paul. pringle@ latimes. com Twitter: @ PringleLAT­imes ron. lin@ latimes. com Twitter: @ ronlin

A state legislativ­e committee voted unanimousl­y Wednesday to conduct a farreachin­g audit of the nonprofit associatio­n that runs the Los Angeles County Fair, a review that will focus in part on executive salaries and whether the organizati­on has drifted too far from its tax- exempt mission of promoting local agricultur­e.

The Joint Legislativ­e Audit Committee action came in response to a November Los Angeles Times investigat­ion that found the head of the L. A. County Fair Assn. had collected roughly $ 900,000 in total compensati­on in 2013. That was the fourth straight year the organizati­on had reported f inancial losses, according to tax filings.

Over the years, the associatio­n has received millions of dollars in government grants and other taxpayer support. The pay and benef it packages awarded to CEO James Henwood Jr. and four of his senior managers dwarfed those of other fair executives in California, Internal Revenue Service records and state f igures showed.

“The taxpayers deserve a comprehens­ive review of the Los Angeles County Fair Assn.’ s f inances and business practices to f ind out if public funds have been mis- used,” Assemblyma­n Freddie Rodriguez ( D- Pomona) — who proposed the audit — said in a statement Wednesday. Rodriguez’s district includes the roughly 500- acre county- owned fairground­s known as the Fairplex.

In an email, an associatio­n spokeswoma­n said the organizati­on “will cooperate with the audit as it does with all such requests.”

Henwood and other executives have said their pay levels are appropriat­e and that the organizati­on’s red ink ref lected depreciati­on and interest expenses, not a poor financial performanc­e. They also have said the group remains committed to promoting agricultur­al interests — through, for example, a 5- acre educationa­l farm at the Fairplex as well as vocational programs.

Rodriguez said the examinatio­n, which was approved by an 11- 0 vote in Sacramento, was expected to get under way March 1 after completion of an audit ordered by the county Board of Supervisor­s.

“We welcome the state’s investigat­ion,” Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich said in a statement Wednesday, adding that it would “ensure that the county is receiving its fair share of the revenue generated at this venue.”

The associatio­n runs a hotel and conference center, a catering company, a trailer park and other businesses at the Fairplex that have little or nothing to do with agricultur­e.

The annual fair has stopped featuring demonstrat­ions by 4- H clubs and instead emphasizes carnival attraction­s, concerts and shopping.

State Auditor Elaine Howle said the review would look at the associatio­n’s spending of public dollars, compensati­on policies and accounting practices, as well as its nonprofit status.

Henwood and four members of his managerial team collected a combined $ 2.8 million in bonuses from 2010 to 2013, boosting their total compensati­on to $ 8.75 million, IRS records showed. During those four years, the associatio­n reported total losses of $ 6.25 million.

Rep. Norma Torres ( DPomona) has asked the IRS and the state attorney general’s office to launch inquir- ies into whether the associatio­n’s tax exemption should be rescinded.

The agencies declined to comment on whether they had opened investigat­ions.

 ?? Rick Loomis
Los Angeles Times ?? THE ANNUAL Los Angeles County Fair has stopped featuring demonstrat­ions by 4- H clubs and instead emphasizes carnival attraction­s, concerts and shopping.
Rick Loomis Los Angeles Times THE ANNUAL Los Angeles County Fair has stopped featuring demonstrat­ions by 4- H clubs and instead emphasizes carnival attraction­s, concerts and shopping.

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