Los Angeles Times

Why Flint may not f ind justice

- By Nora Freeman Engstrom Nora Freeman Engstrom is a professor at Stanford Law School.

Various legal doctrines may stand in the way of meaningful financial recovery.

Michigan stopped supplying water to residents from the notoriousl­y contaminat­ed Flint River f ive months ago. In that time, we all have learned about the many ways the political process failed the people of Flint. Elected off icials from the executive and legislativ­e branches — through carelessne­ss, incompeten­ce, indifferen­ce or spite — completely failed to safeguard the public welfare.

Less well known is that the third branch of government, the judicial branch, is also likely to fail Flint’s residents. The civil justice system is supposed to make victims whole after this kind of calamity. Here, however, various legal doctrines stack up into possibly insurmount­able barriers to any meaningful recovery.

The kind of lawsuit that’s typically filed after an injury like this is called a tort claim — and, on the face of it, the lead- contaminat­ion scandal in Flint has all the makings of a blockbuste­r case. The plaintiffs, who are mostly children, are sympatheti­c victims. There’s no disagreeme­nt that the substance they were exposed to — lead — is toxic. And the injuries at issue are serious: Some individual­s will, no doubt, sustain lasting physical and cognitive impairment­s.

Even so, it’s going to be nearly impossible for plaintiffs to prevail.

The biggest obstacle is sovereign immunity. A dusty legal doctrine based on the maxim that “the king can do no wrong,” sovereign immunity shields states and the federal government from tort liability when they are performing a core government function. Embracing this doctrine, the state of Michigan is apt to argue that providing water to residents qualifies, and thus sovereign immunity supplies an impenetrab­le shield.

It’s possible that lawsuits against specific public officials for gross negligence or against the city of Flint could proceed. But despite the fact that a state emergency manager was calling the shots, traditiona­l tort suits targeting the state of Michigan are very unlikely to get off the ground.

Even if plaintiffs find a way around sovereign immunity, they’ll run headlong into a second obstacle called “specific causation.” To win a tort case, it is not enough to show that leaded water can theoretica­lly cause a particular impairment.

The plaintiff also has to show specific causation — and to do that, she has to show, with a prepondera­nce of the evidence, that this lead exposure caused her particular injury.

That won’t be easy. Lead exposure causes developmen­tal delays and cognitive difficulti­es — and, for pregnant women, miscarriag­es and premature births. But those can be caused by lots of other things too. In lead contaminat­ion cases, the question always arises: Is this kid’s failure to thrive really due to lead exposure — or might it be the consequenc­e of something else, like unlucky genes, a chaotic home environmen­t, or poor prenatal care? Likewise, if it was lead that caused the child’s impairment, how can we know it came from Flint’s water? After all, kids can be exposed to lead in lots of places, including soil, toys, dust and chipped paint.

It’s not necessaril­y hopeless. One crack in the sovereign immunity shield is that federal suits are allowed for violations of constituti­onal rights. Not surprising­ly, then, several already- f iled lawsuits contend that, by supplying lead- contaminat­ed water, Michigan violated Flint citizens’ 14th Amendment right to substantiv­e due process.

Still, suits seeking damages for constituti­onal violations tend to be difficult to win. And these cases, which propose a novel legal theory that government officials breached citizens’ right to “bodily integrity,” will face particular­ly long odds. Federal suits claiming that Michigan officials violated the U. S. Safe Drinking Water Act stand a better chance. But these tend to seek injunctive relief, by, for instance compelling repairs to the water system, rather than monetary damages.

Finally, criminal investigat­ions are apparently underway. Although the criminal prosecutio­n of culpable officials may promote accountabi­lity, it won’t tangibly benefit those who’ve been hurt.

Michigan officials’ egregious actions undeniably injured many children in Flint. What their families need, and deserve, is meaningful f inancial compensati­on. As a society, that is how we signal the defendant’s responsibi­lity for causing harm and deter future accidents. More practicall­y, it is how we offset victims’ medical bills and other costs.

But in Flint, this monetary compensati­on is unlikely to be forthcomin­g — at least from the courts.

The responsibi­lity to do right by Flint will have to be taken up where the crisis began, in the political branches of government. Failing that, it won’t be at all surprising if many of the children whose lives have been irreparabl­y diminished never recover a penny.

 ?? Bill Pugliano Getty I mages ?? XYNAZIA SKINNER, 7, of Flint, Mich., joins others taking part in a march last month to protest the lead contaminat­ion of the city’s water supply.
Bill Pugliano Getty I mages XYNAZIA SKINNER, 7, of Flint, Mich., joins others taking part in a march last month to protest the lead contaminat­ion of the city’s water supply.

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