Los Angeles Times

Who’s to blame for Donald Trump?

- By Noah Berlatsky Noah Berlatsky edits the comics and culture website the Hooded Utilitaria­n and is the author of the book “Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/ Peter Comics, 1941- 1948.”

Donald Trump stands astride our politics, comical, embarrassi­ng and terrifying. The country’s pundits look upon him, and as one, they ask a single question: Whose fault is this anyway?

The answers are surprising­ly varied. One of the more popular arguments is that Trump is a byproduct of rising inequality, and the bipartisan policies that have hollowed out the middle class over the last several decades. Bill Clinton’s open trade policies, George W. Bush’s tax cuts and the Obama administra­tion’s bank bailouts, the argument goes, all helped the wealthy and immiserate­d everyone else. Following a hallowed American tradition, Trump has channeled widespread anger into anti- immigrant nativism and racism. In this view, Trump is the ugly mirror image of Bernie Sanders, whose anti- poverty campaign, Sanders’ supporters argue, is the only effective inoculatio­n against Trumpism, present and future.

Another common opinion, articulate­d by the right- leaning journalist Josh Barro among others, is that Trump is the fault of the Republican Party. The GOP, Barro says, has spent so much time and effort attacking both Washington and the media that voters now trust only outsiders, neophytes and brazen know-nothing nonexperts. That has paved the way for folks like Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Newt Gingrich and now Trump to run campaigns to sell books, bilk donors or assuage their Trump- Tower- size egos.

Blaming the Republican Party as a whole is too nebulous for some pundits, who’d rather single out specific politician­s for criticism. Trump is the fault of George W. Bush, because his failed presidency divided the GOP; or of Sen. Marco Rubio, because he’s such a losing loser who can’t energize anyone other than billionair­e donors. He’s the fault of Jeb Bush’s super PAC, which spent millions attacking Rubio and just about nothing trying to bring down Trump; or of Gov. John Kasich, because he won’t drop out. Or, unexpected­ly, Trump’s the fault of former House Speaker John A. Boehner who, according to CNN’s Tara Setmayer, compromise­d too much with Obama and made Republican­s mad enough to vote for a racist bloviating clown.

If John Boehner doesn’t seem sufficient­ly far afield, what about President Obama? New York Times columnist Ross Douthat argues that Obama’s 2008 campaign, with it’s will. i. am video and soaring ephemeral rhetoric, created the context for reality star Trump to seize control of the political imaginatio­n. Josh Kraushaar at National Journal blames not Obama, but Sen. Al Franken, who after a disputed election in 2008 was finally seated late, giving Obama the 60- vote supermajor­ity he needed to pass a stimulus, Obamacare and other nefarious liberal policies that created a poisoned partisan atmosphere of bitterness and recriminat­ion in which Trump, weed- like and orange- haired, has flourished.

Or, for a completely different theory, try political scientist Daniel Drezner, who blames Trump’s rise on … political scientists. Many political scientists have subscribed to what they call the “party decides” theory, which states, more or less, that party insiders, not voters, control the nomination process. The GOP, Drezner argues, accepted the “party decides” model and so didn’t take the threat from Trump seriously enough. By the time they realized the political scientists were wrong, it was too late.

More predictabl­y, commentato­rs have blamed Trump on Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, who created an alternate- reality media bubble, dumbing down public discourse with climate denial and Benghazi conspiracy theories until Trump’s vast cluelessne­ss on policy started to seem like a feature rather than a bug.

It’s churlish to just blame right- wing media, though, when you can wag a finger at journalist­s of every political persuasion. Trump has dominated TV news coverage, getting exponentia­lly more than the rest of the Republican f ield, and at times outstrippi­ng the entire Democratic field as well. That much exposure means that he’s way ahead in name recognitio­n and may well be the only candidate many Republican voters recognize. Even “Saturday Night Live” had him on to host. Pundits may not like Trump’s politics of hate, but they can’t get enough of his boisterous insult comedy and fabulous ratings. Celebrity makes the fascism go down easy.

And that leads us to the f inal people responsibl­e for Trump’s rise: all those writing Trump- blame think pieces.

The f low of Trump theories is part and parcel of the Trump phenomenon, whereby massive disproport­ionate attention turns a vapid stunt candidate into a contender.

To say his name is to give him power, like Voldemort, but with Trump, steaks instead of snakes. Cast aspersions here or there as you will, but America made Trump. There’s plenty of blame to go round.

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