Los Angeles Times

Officials taking aim at drone use

- By W. J. Hennigan and Brian Bennett william.hennigan@latimes.com brian. bennett@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon, the world’s largest user of drones, has posted a new policy on signs outside the mammoth five-sided building: No Drone Zone.

The signs, complete with a red slash through an image of a quadcopter drone, ref lect America’s growing concern about the proliferat­ion of the small, inexpensiv­e remote- controlled devices and the risk they pose to safety, security and privacy.

Federal law prohibits f lying a drone anywhere in and around Washington, an area known as the National Capital Region. Other communitie­s and institutio­ns across the country are wrestling with the potential threat from more than 400,000 private and commercial drones now registered to operate in the skies.

Under the law, hobbyists and commercial users must keep unmanned aircraft below 400 feet and avoid f lying within f ive miles of an airport to avoid endangerin­g manned aircraft. With a maximum weight of 55 pounds, even a recreation­al drone could disable a jet f lying hundreds of miles per hour.

“Introducti­on of unmanned aircraft into America’s airspace must take place incrementa­lly and with the interest of safety f irst,” said Laura J. Brown, spokeswoma­n for the Federal Aviation Administra­tion.

But some drone operators regularly ignore or f lout the law.

Pilots reported 238 sightings of drones in 2014, the f irst year such sightings were tracked, according to the FAA. Drone sightings jumped to 583 — or nearly 100 per month — in the six months between August 2015 and January 2016, the FAA’s most recent records show.

On Jan. 15, for example, Compass Airlines reported a near collision with a blackand- silver drone at 5,700 feet as the passenger jet came in for a landing at Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport.

A day earlier, a pilot in a single- engine Cessna spotted a blue drone hovering at 9,500 feet above Riverside. That same week, a pilot landing at El Cajon reported three drones off his right side at about 500 feet in altitude — one with yellow lights, one with green lights, and one with red lights.

The U. S. Forest Service says drones interfered with firefighti­ng aircraft about 25 times last year, often forcing the planes to be diverted from fast- moving wildfires.

Law enforcemen­t and national security officials worry that small drones could carry explosives, chemical agents or other potentiall­y hazardous material over sensitive facilities.

The risk hit the headlines in January 2015 when a 2foot- by- 2- foot quadcopter crashed on the South Lawn of the White House about 3 a. m., triggering a Secret Service lockdown of the compound. President Obama and the f irst lady were overseas, but their two daughters were home.

The recreation­al drone, called a DJI Phantom, posed no danger. But it had evaded radar that is calibrated to detect much bigger threats, like an airplane or a missile.

The Justice Department ultimately decided not to charge the drone’s operator, a federal employee. He had lost control of the device several blocks away earlier in the evening and did not intend to f ly it near the White House, officials said.

Late one night in October, a much smaller quadcopter crashed near the Washington Monument, behind the White House. In that case, U. S. Park Police issued the owner an $ 85 citation for operating an unmanned aircraft in a restricted zone.

To help identify drones, the FAA requires owners to register their aircraft in a federal database before they f ly it outdoors.

Since the registry went live in late December, more than 406,000 people have registered. That compares with about 590,000 pilots licensed by the FAA to f ly manned aircraft.

People who do not register their drones could face a civil penalty of up to $ 27,500 or criminal penalties of up to $ 250,000 and three years in prison for noncomplia­nce.

Off- the- shelf drones are difficult to detect and monitor because they f ly low and slow, and don’t carry a radio transponde­r to signal their position. Most drones are made primarily of plastic and are too small for radar detection.

Drones are banned from f lying above most stadiums hosting concerts or sporting events. The FAA advises against f lying drones over what it calls critical infrastruc­ture, including power plants, prisons and office buildings, but it is not illegal.

On March 16, the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transporta­tion approved a bill that would make the FAA the nation’s sole regulator of drones. If signed into law, the bill would supplant the patchwork of local and state drone laws that have popped up.

Last year, 45 states considered 168 bills meant to regulate the use of drones, according to the National Conference of State Legislatur­es, which documents state laws. So far, 26 states have moved to limit police use of drones, bar drone surveillan­ce over private property or impose other restrictio­ns.

In California, for example, it’s illegal to use a drone to photograph or record footage of a person or property without his or her consent. The legislatio­n was mostly meant to limit intrusions by celebrity- seeking photograph­ers.

Some municipali­ties have imposed their own rules.

Poway, for instance, passed an ordinance in September that prohibits drones within two miles of a wildfire or other public emergency — the f irst such ban in San Diego County — after drones hindered f iref ighting efforts. Violators can be f ined $ 1,000 and face possible jail time.

General Atomics Aeronautic­al Systems Inc., which makes the Pentagon’s MQ- 1 Predator and MQ- 9 Reaper missile- f iring drones, is based in Poway.

“There’s a great irony that one of the world’s largest drone manufactur­ers is based here and is our largest employer,” Poway’s mayor, Steve Vaus, said in a telephone interview. “But we wanted an enforceabl­e ordinance on the books to protect our f irst responders in the case of an emergency.”

Some individual­s have taken drastic measures on their own.

Last July, a Kentucky man was grilling dinner when he saw a small drone with a mounted camera pass near his property three times in half an hour, he said. He retrieved his shotgun, and blasted it out of the sky.

At the Pentagon, the concern remains high. Its headquarte­rs was a terrorist target on Sept. 11, 2001, is on the f light path to nearby Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, and is the obvious focus of foreign surveillan­ce.

“We’re going to leverage every capability we can to protect this building,” said Daniel P. Walsh, assistant director for security integratio­n and technology at the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. “This is an emerging threat.”

 ?? Shannon Giles Pentagon Force Protection Agency ?? A SIGN outside the Pentagon warns of a new policy on consumer drones, whose rapid proliferat­ion poses a growing safety, security and privacy concern.
Shannon Giles Pentagon Force Protection Agency A SIGN outside the Pentagon warns of a new policy on consumer drones, whose rapid proliferat­ion poses a growing safety, security and privacy concern.

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