Los Angeles Times


- By Holiday Mathis Holiday Mathis writes her column for Creators Syndicate Inc. The horoscope should be read for entertainm­ent. More horoscopes at latimes. com/ horoscopes.

Aries ( March 21- April 19): Mostly people are immersed in their own stories but will nonetheles­s help with yours when you send clear signals about what you’re looking for.

Taurus ( April 20- May 20): The Jimmy Buffett song “If the Phone Doesn’t Ring, It’s Me” sums up how you feel about a certain someone. The most mature thing to do is ignore with a vengeance.

Gemini ( May 21- June 21): The paths you tread often stay nice and clear, while the ones you don’t go down anymore will grow over with weeds and brush until you can’t even see where the path is anymore.

Cancer ( June 22- July 22): The venue won’t matter as much as the company you keep there. Surround yourself with those who bring you healthy pleasure.

Leo ( July 23- Aug. 22): You’re the pace setter in your crowd. Whatever you start with, they will follow your lead. What is your destinatio­n? And what time would you like to arrive there together?

Virgo ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): There are definite advantages to your position. Knowing what they are and playing them with courage will move you toward your goal.

Libra ( Sept. 23- Oct. 23): You’ll be the first to respond to exciting new developmen­ts. You’ll give your attention, and others will follow.

Scorpio ( Oct. 24- Nov. 21): You’re not sure if you’re early or late to the scene. You would love the advice of someone who can see beyond your time.

Sagittariu­s ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21): The one who has wooed you and won you with past works will have another hit with you today.

Capricorn ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Just when the sameness of a situation is starting to make people sleepy, you’ll wake them up by bringing something special to the moment.

Aquarius ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18): It’s not hard to know what the right thing to do is: You simply feel it and you respond. It doesn’t even take courage.

Pisces ( Feb. 19- March 20): Are you around people who don’t understand or support you but are still more than willing to use your offerings for their own purposes?

Today’s birthday ( April 3): It’s pretty simple really; you dream it and then you do it. You’ll be inclined to push the envelope in a slightly more radical direction over the next 10 weeks. Relationsh­ips are well- served by your wild imaginatio­n. Your lucky numbers: 14, 16, 29, 50 and 42.

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