Los Angeles Times

Trump chooses sides in water war

He meets with farmers in the Central Valley and decries the state’s environmen­tal moves.

- By Michael Finnegan and Kurtis Lee

Donald Trump waded into California’s perennial water wars Friday, taking the side of agricultur­e and vowing to boost the state’s farmers even if it means cutting back environmen­tal protection­s.

“If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive, so that your job market will get better,” Trump told a few thousand cheering supporters at a sports arena in Fresno.

After a private half-hour meeting with farmers, Trump said the group told him there was no drought in California, but rather a failure to preserve and wisely use the water the state has on tap.

“You have a water problem that is so insane,” he said. “It is so ridiculous, where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea.”

He mocked environmen­talists for “trying to protect a certain kind of 3-inch fish,” repeating an apparent reference to the delta smelt, a fish on the verge of extinction that is regarded by scientists as a barometer of California’s environmen­tal health.

Trump’s remarks at an exuberant rally in the state’s agricultur­al heartland came a day after he delivered an

ardently pro-drilling speech at a petroleum conference in North Dakota.

It also marked a day when — for a few hours, at least — California enjoyed a flurry of candidate activity more typically seen in such early-voting states as Iowa and New Hampshire.

While Trump staged rallies in Fresno and San Diego, the presumptiv­e Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, met with community activists in Oakland and her rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, hopscotche­d between stops in the Los Angeles area.

For more than a century, competitio­n over California’s often scarce water supply has pitted a wide array of powerful forces against one another — big cities, the agricultur­e industry and conservati­onists among them.

As with many of Trump’s promises, such as forcing Mexico to pay for a border wall, or reversing years of job losses in the U.S. manufactur­ing industry, he offered no specifics for how he would achieve these policy goals. Rolling back environmen­tal protection­s would require changes in both state and federal environmen­tal regulation­s, which enjoy strong backing among California voters and many lawmakers.

Lester Snow, executive director of the California Water Foundation, a nonprofit group that supports research and other projects, said Trump’s comments mischaract­erize and oversimpli­fy the situation.

“Playing off ‘farmers versus fish’ is a sound bite but isn’t a solution to any realworld problems,” he said. “It’s just an old, tired bumper-sticker way of talking about California’s water problems.”

He took issue with Trump’s claim that “they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea.”

“It’s not a waste of water,” Snow said, noting freshwater runoff to the Pacific Ocean helps prevent saltwater intrusion, which could contaminat­e groundwate­r supplies.

Much of Trump’s hourlong speech consisted of stock lines, though he made a boastful vow to put heavily Democratic California in play in November.

“If I don’t win, they are gonna spend one hell of a fortune fighting me off,” he said.

He bashed Clinton for using a private email server as secretary of State and recalled the Whitewater real estate scandal dating from her husband’s years as Arkansas governor. “She’s always skirted the edge,” Trump said.

His Fresno appearance drew about 200 peaceful demonstrat­ors. In San Diego, several hundred protesters gathered in the downtown Gaslamp district, their access to the convention center blocked by dozens of police officers.

Janitors from a local union waved mops, mothers pushed strollers and Latino activists denounced Trump with piñata effigies and Spanish-language chants.

“El pueblo unido, jamas sera vencido!” (“The people united, will never be defeated!”) they yelled.

“Speak English,” some Trump supporters hollered back.

Inside, Trump nodded to the region’s large military presence, inviting veterans to join him on stage. A crowd of thousands sprawled across the vast convention f loor cheered wildly as he denounced illegal immigratio­n and trade deficits with China, Mexico and Japan.

Clinton, by contrast, held a low-key meeting with supporters in Oakland.

Welcoming her to the Home of Chicken and Waffles, a local institutio­n, Mayor Libby Schaaf alluded to Trump’s recent descriptio­n of the city as one of the most dangerous in the world.

“We are incredibly proud to have Secretary Clinton here in Oakland today,” Schaaf said. “Despite what some people say about the level of safety in this city, Oakland has made incredible gains .... We have become a tremendous­ly safer city.”

The lengthy discussion that followed was more policy-oriented than overtly political — though Clinton implicitly hit on a recurring theme that Trump is a divider rather than uniter.

“I want to be a champion for Oakland and all the Oaklands of America, places that have challenges like any part of our country and any kind of human endeavor, but places that are coming together,” Clinton said. “We’re stronger together when we work together, when we come up with these approaches and we bring everybody to the table.”

Later, Clinton talked about the downsides of gentrifica­tion, a growing Bay Area concern post-Great Recession as middle-income and even relatively well-todo residents are finding themselves priced out of the economical­ly booming region.

“There’s advantages, of course, to fixing up neighborho­ods and making them attractive and all the rest of it,” Clinton said. “But I think it’s a big price to pay if we displace everybody who has been there and who has gone through the bad times and deserve to be part of the good times.”

Sanders made several stops across Southern California, starting with a morning rally in San Pedro, where he delivered a fiery rebuke of both major political parties.

“It is too late for establishm­ent politics, establishm­ent economics — we need a political revolution,” said Sanders, with the towering cranes at the Port of Los Angeles as his backdrop. “We are tired of politician­s in both parties hustling money from the wealthy and the powerful.”

As he has in recent days, Sanders steered away from directly jabbing Clinton. Instead, he focused on the backing Trump has received from Las Vegas gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson.

“It’s an absurdity when you have a billionair­e like Sheldon Adelson contributi­ng large sums of money to another billionair­e like Donald Trump,” Sanders said. “What a joke. … Our message is, billionair­es are not going to run this country.”

After Friday, Sanders will have the state to himself for at least the next few days. He plans a weekend excursion through the Central Valley as well as stops in Santa Barbara and Santa Maria.

Clinton’s stop was her last scheduled appearance in California after several days of campaignin­g in the Bay Area and Southern California. She planned a weekend off in New York.

Trump, who has no more California events on his public schedule, was going to head East for a motorcycli­sts’ rally in Washington on Sunday and a veterans event Tuesday in Manhattan.

 ?? John Gastaldo San Diego Union-Tribune ?? SAN DIEGO Trump supporter Taren Meacham holds daughter Sarin Meacham, 1, during Donald Trump’s rally at the San Diego Convention Center.
John Gastaldo San Diego Union-Tribune SAN DIEGO Trump supporter Taren Meacham holds daughter Sarin Meacham, 1, during Donald Trump’s rally at the San Diego Convention Center.

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