Los Angeles Times

A f inal goodbye


Re “How much should be done to save a life?” May 22

Emergency-room physician Eric Snoey’s essay on withholdin­g intense, life-saving treatment from a frail 90-year-old patient — instead obeying her advance directive and relieving her pain as she slipped away — reminds me of my mother and my wife.

My mother was 93 and alert when I went to the hospital that final day. She had an advance directive not to be kept alive by extraordin­ary or artificial means. When her hospice nurse asked why she, wearing an oxygen mask and gasping for air, wouldn’t relax and let go, she answered, “I don’t want to die.” Those were he final words.

Sobbing, I thanked her for bringing me into the world and all she had done for me. She died within the hour.

It will haunt me the rest of my days that I did not have that same opportunit­y with my wife of 60 years — to thank her for sharing her life with me and to tell her how deeply I loved her — because she was hooked fatally and for the first time to a dialysis machine, as ordered by a doctor on weekend duty. I will forever have misgivings about that choice. Charles Van Cleve, Rancho Palos Verdes

I am an overweight 90year-old man with significan­t cardiac disease who smoked for 25 years before stopping in my 40s, and I anticipate a major medical catastroph­e sometime soon.

Different folks have different wishes with regard to such an experience. But my hope is that whatever event occurs is a fatal one, and I have executed an advance declaratio­n to forestall any treatment that preserves a life of little or no quality, a declaratio­n I have discussed in detail with all my children as well as with my personal physician.

But if I should (unfortunat­ely) survive the event and end up in an emergency room, I hope that someone like Dr. Snoey is caring for me. My death will be as natural as my life has been. Donald Schwartz

Los Angeles

Medical knowledge coupled with seasoned confidence. Considerat­ion of a patient’s wishes. Courage and thoughtful­ness.

I hope a physician like Dr. Snoey is on duty when it is the end of my life.

I will attach a copy of Dr. Snoey’s piece to my own advance directive. Holly Hunt

San Diego

Dr. Snoey clearly practiced patient-centered care in the treatment of his elderly patient in the intensivec­are unit.

One thing he could have done earlier, which may have helped things go smoother in the ICU, was suggest to this patient that she complete a POLST (Physician Orders for LifeSustai­ning Treatment) — a form that clearly states the kinds of medical treatment a patient wants (or doesn’t want) during serious illness or at the end of life.

Unlike an advance directive, a POLST is an actionable medical order in California, and emergency responders and other health profession­als in all health settings are required by law to honor the patient’s wishes.

If Dr. Snoey’s patient had completed a POLST when her condition began to deteriorat­e, she could have had more control over her medical treatment at the end. She may even have chosen to avoid re-hospitaliz­ation during her final days and be treated and kept comfortabl­e at her nursing home instead of in the intensive-care unit. Judy Thomas

Sacramento The writer, a lawyer, is chief executive of the Coalition for Compassion­ate Care of California.

 ?? Christina House For The Times ?? AN ARRIVING PATIENT receives care from paramedics at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas.
Christina House For The Times AN ARRIVING PATIENT receives care from paramedics at the University Medical Center in Las Vegas.

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