Los Angeles Times

Clinton has trust issues? Says who?


Re “Our ‘none of the above’ election,” Opinion, June 5

As a leading national newspaper, it is appropriat­e for you to run editorials about our current political environmen­t written by well-known commentato­rs such as Frank Luntz.

What is inappropri­ate is to run his assessment of Hilary Clinton’s untrustwor­thiness without identifyin­g him as a Republican political operative who has spent the last 20-plus years spreading informatio­n designed to undermine public confidence in her. Readers unfamiliar with Luntz’s background would not pick up on it by the identifyin­g credential­s published with the article.

How can you expect readers to assess the validity of his claims without knowing that informatio­n? Cathy Boggs

Santa Monica

I have to agree with Luntz’s assessment that the undecided voters in the very few states that will determine our next president will pin most of their analysis on character issues. More’s the pity.

The next president will determine the direction of the U.S. Supreme Court for perhaps the next 30 years, and there can’t be a more delineated difference between the two presumptiv­e nominees. Clinton will take the court left and Trump will take it right. All other issues figure to get bogged down in a divided Congress and the court is probably the only issue that will and must be settled.

To decide one’s vote on character in this particular election just gets in the way of what each of us, liberal or conservati­ve, must decide to move the country forward. Ron Garber


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