Los Angeles Times

Donald Trump’s ‘enemies list’


Re “Trump takes a swing at his ‘haters,’ ” July 23

This article on Donald Trump’s rambling postconven­tion news conference reminded me of the Richard Nixon enemies list.

Trump’s penchant for holding grudges and his obsessive need to attack over every perceived slight is disturbing. I can’t help but wonder about the size of Trump’s “enemies list” already. He has not even waited to ascend to the presidency (heaven help us) to reveal himself as having lots of enemies.

Trump attacks not because he has to but because he likes to. Simply disagreein­g with him puts one on the fast track to his list. We could all become his enemies. It doesn’t take that much to cross this caricature of a candidate. Joel Lander Huntington Beach

After a few teleprompt­er moments of grace during his nomination speech, Trump reverted back to form by ranting against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) while his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, stood by alternatel­y chuckling and smiling beatifical­ly while appearing to me to look increasing­ly uncomforta­ble.

By many accounts Pence is a decent man if an unremarkab­le governor. One can only wonder why such an individual would hitch his star to someone of Trump’s caliber. Whatever his reason, he’d better get used to more of the same between now and election day.

Perhaps, in his spare time, Pence can research “are you allowed to set up a super PAC if you are the president, to fight somebody?” as Trump asked Friday. Alternativ­ely, he could hawk some Trump campaign products to earn extra income, which he may very well need come Nov. 9.

That is, if Trump doesn’t stiff Pence, as he reportedly has a penchant to do. Jan Jay Judah Torrance

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