Los Angeles Times

Judge cuts most of PG&E fine


A federal judge has cut nearly all of a potential $562million fine against Pacific Gas & Electric Co. in a criminal case alleging pipeline safety violations before a deadly explosion in the San Francisco Bay Area.

U.S. District Court Judge Thelton Henderson issued the order Tuesday, hours after the U.S. attorney’s office requested it in a court filing. The judge did not explain his reasoning.

PG&E now faces a maximum fine of $6 million if convicted of 11 pipeline safety violations and obstructin­g investigat­ors in the wake of the 2010 blast in San Bruno, Calif.

The government did not provide an explanatio­n in the filing for its request to lower the potential penalty.

The move came after more than a month of testimony and four days into jury deliberati­ons over whether PG&E is guilty of the charges filed.

The blast of a PG&E natural gas pipeline six years ago sent a giant plume of fire into the air, killing eight people and destroying 38 homes in San Bruno. During the investigat­ion, the San Francisco-based utility misled federal officials about the standard it was using to identify high-risk pipelines, prosecutor­s have said.

PG&E also was charged with violating pipeline safety laws by ignoring shoddy record-keeping and failing to identify threats to its larger natural gas pipelines. PG&E pleaded not guilty and said its employees did the best they could with ambiguous regulation­s.

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