Los Angeles Times

She can’t forgive herself

- Send questions to askamy@ tribune.com or Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.

Dear Amy: I’m in my early 50s. When I was a teenager, I had a sexual encounter with my first cousin. We did not “go all the way,” but it was pretty intense. We were curious kids.

I have not seen him since then, but I have not been able to put it behind me.

His parents (my aunt and uncle) are getting on in years. They will eventually pass away, and I can’t tell you how uncomforta­ble I will feel having to face this guy at the funerals.

My question is: Why, after all these years, can I not forgive myself? Having raised a family, I have dealt with my own children’s experiment­ation in many aspects of their lives. I understand it is a necessary part of maturing and becoming an adult.

So why can’t I get out of my own way and get over it? If I do take the chicken’s way out, what kind of excuse could I come up with to politely avoid the whole scene? Worried

Dear Worried: Your encounter crossed a boundary, which many consider “taboo” but which is probably more common than you believe. First cousins do occasional­ly behave sexually with one another, and sometimes fall in love, marry and have children together.

Based on your experience as a parent, you say you understand your own children’s sexual experiment­ation as an important part of the maturing process, yet you won’t let yourself off the hook for engaging in this yourself.

This is an ideal issue to take to a therapist. You should forthright­ly tackle the shame and embarrassm­ent you seem to feel over this sexual encounter. Talking about it will help you, regardless of whether you plan to attend a future funeral.

If you don’t want to attend a funeral where this cousin would be present, then you don’t need to lie or make up an excuse. Express your condolence­s and memorializ­e the family member through flowers and/or a note saying, “I’m thinking of your family, and wish I could be with you all today.”

Dear Amy: My wife socializes a lot with a group of about 10 married, widowed and single women in the senior category.

They gather monthly, with the available husbands attending.

When we arrive, we all greet each other with kisses to the cheek for the women and a handshake for the men. Ditto when departing .

For some time now, a couple of these ladies have been greeting me and departing with a kiss on the mouth, which I find uncomforta­ble.

I consider this a rather intimate type of kissing.

I have noticed that these situations occur when I am temporaril­y alone with the other party or out of view from other eyes.

Can you please tell me how to handle these encounters without offending the other person? Kiss Averse

Dear Kiss Averse: Stating your own personal preference­s and comfort level concerning a fairly intimate act should not be offensive to the other person. It is your right to set a boundary.

You can simply say, “I prefer a peck on the cheek, OK?” Make eye contact and grant a little hug. If this happens after you clearly state your preference, it means these women are either hard of hearing or being sexually aggressive. Repeat incidents should be handled more emphatical­ly.

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