Los Angeles Times

Ban on ex-parte talks in jeopardy

Legislatio­n to prohibit coastal commission­ers from private meetings with developers gets watered down.

- By Dan Weikel

A stalled bill to prohibit behind-the-scenes communicat­ions at the California Coastal Commission survived in the Legislatur­e on Thursday, but lawmakers weakened it with amendments that would allow the controvers­ial practice to continue for developers and elected officials.

The Assembly Appropriat­ions Committee decided to release a measure by Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) from the “suspense file” where pending bills are shelved, at least temporaril­y, if they cost the state $150,000 or more a year.

The bill, however, emerged from the committee with five amendments, including one that would — in effect — allow private, socalled ex-parte communicat­ions to take place between developers and coastal commission­ers during visits to project sites.

Another revision would

let commission­ers continue to have ex-partes with elected officials who are acting in their official capacity.

As amended, the ban would remain in place for environmen­tal groups, government officials who are not elected, lobbyists and any other member of the public interested in a matter pending before the commission.

“I am concerned that several of the amendments may have departed from the intent and purpose of this bill, which was to curb lobbyist and developer influence, level the playing field for all California­ns and restore transparen­cy and trust in the Coastal Commission,” said Jackson, who cautioned that she has not seen the final versions of the changes.

The bill returns to the Assembly, but Jackson added that she will decide whether to withdraw the measure after reviewing the language of the amendments.

The original legislatio­n would have banned commission­ers from having any exparte communicat­ion with developers, lobbyists, environmen­talists or other interested persons.

Ex-partes are private communicat­ions between a coastal commission­er and an interested party that could influence a decision. They can involve telephone calls, face-to-face meetings, emails or other written material.

Jackson has said the ban is necessary to promote open government, remove the possibilit­y of backroom deal-making and help restore confidence in the commission since Executive Director Charles Lester was fired in February with little public explanatio­n.

Her bill also would have prevented the coastal commission­ers from trying to influence the agency’s staff in the preparatio­n of reports and recommenda­tions related to commission business.

The provision was designed to maintain the independen­ce of the staff, which is supposed to objectivel­y evaluate projects and proposals free of political influence.

Members of the appropriat­ions committee, however, amended the bill, eliminatin­g the ban but requiring the commission to adopt a policy prohibitin­g undue influence.

In another change, they called on the commission to provide telephone and video access so members of the public could testify during public hearings.

“They turned a good bill into a bad one that will be disastrous for the commission,” said Sara Wan, a former coastal commission­er who supported the measure. “They created a negative bill that is hostile to the public but is pro-developer.”

State officials say that it’s difficult at this stage in the process to identify who on the committee proposed amendments to any bill or why.

Jackson’s bill, which was endorsed by the Coastal Commission, passed the Senate unamended earlier this year.

It was placed in the Assembly suspense file on Aug. 1 after a report by the state Natural Resources Agency concluded that the measure might cost the commission about $900,000 a year to hire additional staff needed to gather informatio­n from interested parties for commission­ers.

The report reached that conclusion although at least four other studies by the Legislatur­e and the Coastal Commission indicated that an ex-parte ban would have no financial impact and, in some cases, might save money.

The analysis by the resource agency also supported the argument by some commission­ers that ex-parte communicat­ions are a valuable source of informatio­n for them and a way to make commission­ers accessible to the public.

However, some current and former coastal commission­ers have questioned the value of ex-parte communicat­ions and the need for extra staff because the same informatio­n can be presented in staff reports and at the commission’s public hearings.

 ?? Rich Pedroncell­i Associated Press ?? SEN. HANNAH-BETH Jackson said she’ll decide whether to pull her bill after reviewing amendments.
Rich Pedroncell­i Associated Press SEN. HANNAH-BETH Jackson said she’ll decide whether to pull her bill after reviewing amendments.

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