Los Angeles Times

Water cuts over, really?


Re “Mandatory water cuts end for many,” Aug. 17

I am completely dismayed that the State Water Resources Control Board would voluntaril­y relax conservati­on standards for water control.

Just when we California­ns were getting used to the idea of sacrificin­g and conserving and had adapted to the changes, the board relaxes its mandates and hopes all good-minded citizens will conserve as before. Can they be serious? What planet are they from?

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. “A bit of relaxation is OK,” water board chair Felicia Marcus says?

Only when state officials treat water as the truly precious commodity it is, will they finally realize that it is a waste to throw it away watering our precious green lawns. David A. Gordon Laguna Niguel

Once again, the state of California is making a major mistake in water policy.

Five years ago, the drought was declared over.

Mother Nature notoriousl­y did not listen.

Now the water board is relaxing mandatory restrictio­ns in a majority of the state’s water districts.

Water supplies may be better in many water districts, but once again the drought is not over. And more people are moving to the state.

California­ns need to replace our lawns with water-wise, environmen­tally friendly native plants — and learn to conserve water even more — before the taps again run dry. Daniel Fink Beverly Hills

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