Los Angeles Times

Life and the search for identity

These characters change from one moment to the next. What a head trip.

- By Margaret Gray calendar@latimes.com

From the title of Jerry Lieblich’s play “D Deb Debbie Deborah,” I was ready for an exploratio­n of the fluidity of identity, perhaps at different stages of a woman’s life. But in this West Coast premiere at Theatre of Note in Hollywood, the blurring of selfhood cuts a lot deeper than names. In Lieblich’s trippy universe, identity is a mere collection of affectatio­ns that any number of actors can, and do, perform.

Even the protagonis­t, a woman called Deb (played primarily by Jenny Soo), is liable to find that an understudy has replaced her in the role of herself. Are her experience­s real? Is she delusional? Is she caught in an absurdist metaphor that, for all its playful theatrical­ity, never quite figures out what to do with itself? Audience members may draw different conclusion­s, but along the way, they’ll have no idea what to expect next from this inventive but ultimately inscrutabl­e script.

Deb, a recent art-school graduate, has her share of problems even before the concept of identity theft becomes disconcert­ingly literal. Her phone and laptop get stolen. Her boyfriend, Karl, preoccupie­d with his mother’s illness, is acting distant. (She might as well be living with a stranger.) She begins an apprentice­ship with a famous painter, Mark, who not only looks completely different from one moment to the next but also requires Deb to impersonat­e somebody else.

Mark would be a supercreep­y boss and Karl an inattentiv­e boyfriend even if they didn’t keep fragmentin­g into multiple actors (Greg Nussen, Travis York, Alina Phelan and Kerr Lordygan). But Deb endures their shenanigan­s with remarkable equanimity. At the apex of the weirdness, the opening of Mark’s exhibit, Deb negotiates a squawking crew of artsy types (the roles zestfully rotated among the cast members), tries on a few of their identities herself, then has the composure to deliver a sophistica­ted defense of her boss’ work.

Who is Deb, anyway? Compared with the other characters, who have quirky mannerisms like pausing mid-sentence or whinnying with nervous laughter so that we can track them as they jump from performer to performer, she is written mostly as a blank. All the character-swapping business may distract us from this central absence for a while. The director, Doug Oliphant, and the cast have clearly poured effort into very tricky staging, but after the surprise fades, the transition­s start to seem sluggish and forced. Joe Holbrook’s set, with walls that get wrested into different positions by disembodie­d hands from the wings, contribute­s to the clunky feel.

But even if the seams were invisible, the gimmick that powers “D Deb Debbie Deborah” might not give it the impact of great absurdist theater, or even sustain it for its brief length despite the charms of the cast. We need to know a little bit more about a world before we can truly mourn, or celebrate, its loss.

 ?? Troy Blendell ?? IN “D DEB Debbie Deborah” at Theatre of Note, Travis York portrays an artist and Jenny Soo his apprentice. Then again, identities are fluid in this shifting tale.
Troy Blendell IN “D DEB Debbie Deborah” at Theatre of Note, Travis York portrays an artist and Jenny Soo his apprentice. Then again, identities are fluid in this shifting tale.

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