Los Angeles Times

Abortion complicati­ons jumped under Ohio law

Risk of medical issues from drug-induced procedures nearly tripled after 2011.

- By Deborah Netburn deborah.netburn @latimes.com

Women seeking medical abortions in Ohio experience­d a higher rate of complicati­ons after the state implemente­d a law that put new restrictio­ns on doctors who performed the procedure, according to a study published Tuesday.

The law, which took effect in 2011, requires abortion providers to adhere to specific guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion when giving patients a combinatio­n of two drugs, mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l. The drugs have been shown to terminate early pregnancie­s safely and effectivel­y.

The FDA protocol was set in 2000, with specific dosages of mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l. Within a few years, however, doctors realized that using a lower dose of mifepristo­ne and a higher dose of misoprosto­l produced better outcomes for their patients.

The World Health Organizati­on, the American Congress of Obstetrici­ans and Gynecologi­sts, and the National Abortion Federation found shortcomin­gs with the FDA’s protocol soon after it was issued, and began recommendi­ng changes as early as 2003.

Healthcare providers throughout the U.S. followed their lead and prescribed the drugs according to the latest medical research rather than the dosages on the drug’s label.

The practice of prescribin­g drugs for use “off label” is both legal and commonplac­e. By one estimate, 21% of all U.S. prescripti­ons are intended for off-label use.

Before Ohio’s law went into effect, doctors in the state were able to decide what doses of the drugs were most effective based on the latest research and best practices. Afterward, doctors lost that flexibilit­y and were forced to follow the FDA’s outdated protocol.

To see what effect that had on patients, researcher­s examined the medical records of 2,783 women who had medication abortions at one of four clinics in Ohio from 2010 to 2014.

The researcher­s found that women were nearly three times more likely to require additional interventi­on after the law was implemente­d than they were before.

Before 2011, doctors had to provide some kind of additional care in 4.9% of cases. Usually, this meant administer­ing an additional dose of misoprosto­l or using suction to remove the fetus from the uterus. After the law was enforced, measures like these were required in 14.3% of cases, according to the study.

In addition, the incidence of side effects nearly doubled after the law took effect. When doctors were able to use their own judgment, 8.4% of women experience­d problems like nausea or vomiting. After doctors were required to stick to the FDA’s regimen, 15.6% of women had such problems.

The average price patients paid for medication abortions went up as well, from $426 in 2010 to $551 in 2014, the researcher­s found. In part, that’s because the minimum number of required doctor visits rose from three to four.

“There is no evidence that the change in law led to improved abortion outcomes,” the study authors wrote in PLOS Medicine. “Indeed, our findings suggest the opposite.”

The FDA updated its guidelines in March, approving new labeling for Mifeprex (the brand name for mifepristo­ne) that is more in line with current practice and makes the drug easier for women to use.

The new label extends the amount of time a pregnant woman can take the drug from seven weeks after her last menstrual period to 10 weeks. It also reduces the recommende­d dose from 600 milligrams to 200 milligrams, which reduces side effects and makes it less expensive.

Finally, the new labeling says women can take misoprosto­l (sold as Cytotec, among other brand names) at home rather than in the presence of a physician.

The FDA’s action means that women in Ohio seeking medication abortions can now receive care in line with the most up-to-date research. But that could change if the agency doesn’t keep up with evolving medical practices.

“This law will continue to require physicians to provide care that may fall below the accepted standard of care, placing them in an ethical dilemma,” the study authors wrote.

North Dakota, Texas and Arizona have abortion laws similar to Ohio’s. State legislatur­es in Arkansas and Oklahoma passed similar laws, but those were blocked by a court order.

The study was led by Ushma Upadhyay, an associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproducti­ve Sciences at UC San Francisco.

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