Los Angeles Times

Making a deal with an ex-warlord

Onetime Afghan militant would renounce violence to get amnesty.

- By Shashank Bengali and Sultan Faizy shashank.bengali @latimes.com Faizy is a special correspond­ent.

KABUL, Afghanista­n — Negotiator­s in Afghanista­n on Thursday signed a draft of a long-awaited peace agreement that would bring a notorious former warlord into the government fold while forgiving allegation­s that he was responsibl­e for serious war crimes.

The deal commits Gulbuddin Hekmatyar — a chameleon-like militia commander, former CIA asset, prime minister and ally of the Taliban and Osama bin Laden who has been involved in fighting in Afghanista­n for four decades — to renounce violence, cut ties to extremist groups and respect the Afghan Constituti­on.

The accord is also believed to grant amnesty to Hekmatyar and leaders of his Hezb-i-Islami militant organizati­on for suspected crimes during the Afghan civil war of the 1990s. Hekmatyar’s forces are blamed for indiscrimi­nate rocket attacks against Kabul that killed hundreds of civilians, as well as the forced disappeara­nces of political opponents.

It provides for the release of Hezb-i-Islami members being held in Afghan jails, and the removal of Hekmatyar’s name and those of senior Hezb-i-Islami leaders from U.S. and United Nations terrorism blacklists.

The draft was signed by representa­tives of the Afghan government’s High Peace Council, charged with negotiatin­g truces with insurgents, and Hekmatyar’s representa­tives. It now must be approved by Hekmatyar, who is living in an undisclose­d location away from Kabul, and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.

Although the accord probably won’t reduce violence in Afghanista­n — Hezb-i-Islami’s few remaining fighters have not been a force on the battlefiel­d for years — the government sought to portray it as a step toward a broader peace with more powerful militant groups, including the Taliban.

“The Afghan government’s rationale for reaching a peace deal with him is aimed at encouragin­g other insurgent groups to join the negotiatio­n process, to show that the Afghan government can on its own facilitate a peace talk and succeed,” said Timor Sharan, Afghanista­n analyst for the Internatio­nal Crisis Group.

Ghani’s national security advisor, Mohammad Hanif Atmar, who also signed the agreement, called on the Taliban to prove independen­ce from Pakistan, where its leadership is based, and come to the negotiatin­g table.

“We have proven that we are on the side of peace,” Atmar said. “Now you must come forward and take steps for peace.…

“Whatever we agreed with Hezb-i-Islami, we promise the same to you.”

Ghani’s bid to engage the Taliban in Pakistan-brokered talks collapsed this year while insurgent violence spread. In July, an Afghan government assessment concluded that more than half the country’s districts were under threat from insurgent groups.

Hekmatyar, now in his 60s, is both an asset and a liability to an Afghan government that includes former warlords and has formed allegiance­s with others as it struggles to contain the Taliban insurgency.

A former leader of the jihadi campaign against the Soviet occupation of Afghanista­n in the 1980s, he rose to become prime minister before allying with Al Qaeda and later the Taliban against Western forces in Afghanista­n.

Though never as potent as the Taliban, Hezb-i-Islami claimed responsibi­lity for a 2013 suicide bombing in Kabul that killed at least 15 people, including six Americans. That year Hezbi-Islami loyalists also lobbied then-President Hamid Karzai to expel U.S. special forces soldiers from parts of volatile Wardak province after allegation­s that they were responsibl­e for abusing and killing civilians.

The agreement does not specify whether Hekmatyar or his allies would hold posts in the government, but Amin Karim, head of the Hezb-iIslami delegation, said the organizati­on would continue to press for the withdrawal of the remaining foreign troops in Afghanista­n, including more than 8,000 Americans.

“This agreement is not for our personal benefit,” Karim said. “It is about restoring some of our rights.”

Although Hekmatyar’s influence has waned, his return would add another powerful Pashtun to a government already led by members of Afghanista­n’s largest ethnic group, including Ghani and his top aides.

“His arrival is likely to intensify tensions within an already fragile state that is relying very much on various strongmen who have had historical grievances against Hekmatyar and Hezb-i-Islami,” Sharan said.

The United States, which added Hekmatyar to the State Department global terrorist list in 2003 over his support for Al Qaeda, has said it would consider lifting sanctions on Hekmatyar if he fulfilled the terms of a peace deal.

Many Afghans oppose amnesty for Hekmatyar. Before the signing ceremony, a few dozen protesters gathered in central Kabul carrying signs with messages such as, “We don’t forgive the killer of Kabul.”

Human rights groups described amnesty for Hekmatyar as the latest blow to efforts to seek accountabi­lity for war crimes in Afghanista­n.

“Hekmatyar is not alone in enjoying impunity. None of the Afghan warlords from the 1990s has been held accountabl­e,” Patricia Gossman, senior Afghanista­n researcher for Human Rights Watch, wrote in a commentary.

“That, and the failed disarmamen­t of abusive militias, have crippled reforms needed to build effective government institutio­ns crucial for a lasting peace.”

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said it welcomed the agreement “as a step in bringing the conflict in Afghanista­n to a peaceful end.”

“The United States continues to support an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process that results in armed groups ceasing violence, breaking ties with internatio­nal terrorist groups and accepting the constituti­on, including protection­s for women and minorities,” the embassy said in a statement.

Ahead of a major conference of donors in Brussels in early October, the United States, European Union and other allies are looking for signs of progress in Afghanista­n and have quieted their calls for accountabi­lity, analysts said.

“Many other former jihadis that have committed similar atrocities now occupy key positions within the state and have long been indispensa­ble,” Sharan said. “Transition­al justice for Afghans has long been dead.”

 ?? Massoud Hossaini Associated Press ?? PROTESTERS shout slogans against Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in a Kabul park. His forces are blamed for indiscrimi­nate rocket attacks in the 1990s that killed hundreds of civilians in the Afghan capital.
Massoud Hossaini Associated Press PROTESTERS shout slogans against Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in a Kabul park. His forces are blamed for indiscrimi­nate rocket attacks in the 1990s that killed hundreds of civilians in the Afghan capital.
 ?? Shah Marai AFP/Getty Images ?? THE CHAIRMAN of the High Peace Council of Afghanista­n, Pir Sayed Ahmad Gailani, left, and Amin Karim, Hekmatyar’s representa­tive, sign the draft.
Shah Marai AFP/Getty Images THE CHAIRMAN of the High Peace Council of Afghanista­n, Pir Sayed Ahmad Gailani, left, and Amin Karim, Hekmatyar’s representa­tive, sign the draft.

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