Los Angeles Times

Gerrymande­ring undermines GOP

Safe districts created to win Congress are deepening party’s rift over Donald Trump.

- By Lisa Mascaro lisa.mascaro@latimes.com Twitter: @LisaMascar­o

WASHINGTON — Across the country, Republican­s in contested races face a terrible bind: They have to run from Donald Trump to hold onto swing votes, even if that angers some core supporters.

But in secure, heavily conservati­ve GOP districts, Republican­s face the opposite pressure: to cleave fast to Trump, who remains popular despite statements that have alienated many voters.

The crisis sparked by the Trump campaign has split the Republican Party in two, and ironically, the gerrymande­ring of districts that helped build the GOP congressio­nal majority is now working to make that fracture worse.

The division of interests between Republican­s who represent solidly conservati­ve districts and those who represent swing areas — or senators, who run statewide — has seldom been more stark.

“The Republican Party has drawn itself into an ideologica­l cul-de-sac that bears no resemblanc­e to the larger electorate,” said David Wasserman, House editor at the nonpartisa­n Cook Political Report. “The middle has shrunk dramatical­ly.”

Their battlefiel­d was once confined mostly to Capitol Hill, crippling the Republican legislativ­e agenda, fueling the tea party movement and leading to a government shutdown.

Now it is upending the presidenti­al race. Trump’s anti-establishm­ent message has unleashed a conservati­ve grass-roots movement inside the GOP that leaders are finding they cannot control.

And as Trump’s nationwide support begins to slip amid his unconventi­onal behavior and offensive remarks about women and minorities, Republican­s risk not only missing their shot at the White House, but losing control of the Senate and giving Democrats a chance to shift the Supreme Court to the left.

The GOP infighting, in many ways, is no surprise and largely of the party’s own making.

A gerrymande­ring of congressio­nal districts, completed six years ago, sought to secure a GOP House majority for years to come by packing Democratic voters into fewer, often urban and minority districts and giving Republican­s comfortabl­e majorities in the ones they control. But those tailormade districts yielded a new crop of hard-right, often uncompromi­sing GOP members of Congress, running safely in mostly white, older and rural districts, where Trump’s support is strongest.

These conservati­ve House members are increasing­ly at odds with GOP senators, leadership and a handful of remaining House swing-district lawmakers, who are wringing their hands over Trump because they must appeal to a broader swath of voters, including moderates, independen­ts and minorities.

Trump’s candidacy is the latest and perhaps most consequent­ial issue forcing Republican­s to pick sides.

Even as House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) announced Monday he wouldn’t campaign for the presidenti­al nominee, two GOP congressme­n joined Trump at a boisterous rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Trump raised the stakes Tuesday by attacking Ryan in a tweet as a “weak and ineffectiv­e leader” who is losing support of party members because of his “disloyalty.”

Trump’s strongest supporters in Congress include some of those from the most partisan-carved states, including Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, who stumped for Trump at the GOP convention in Cleveland when others stayed away; those in the South and Midwest; and several newer Republican­s from upstate and rural New York.

Those who pull away from Trump face a backlash, as happened over the weekend in Nevada, when Joe Heck, a congressma­n running for Senate, was heckled as he called on Trump to drop out.

A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 67% of Republican­s think GOP congressio­nal candidates should stand by Trump, despite his comments and actions.

Senators don’t have the luxury of tailor-made districts as they run for office statewide, which is why so many more of them have abandoned Trump.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Rob Portman of Ohio, who have their own brands to preserve, are distancing themselves from the top of the ticket.

Among those who dropped Trump after the disclosure of his sexually aggressive comments about groping women were many senators running for reelection in battlegrou­nd states — Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, for example — and the few House Republican­s in the remaining competitiv­e districts, such as Rep. Mike Coffman in Colorado and Rep. Barbara Comstock in Virginia. Some like Rep. Carlos Curbelo in Florida were never on board.

Several female lawmakers, including Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama and most of the GOP women in the Senate, dumped Trump, even if they did not face a direct election challenge.

“Trump’s video seems to have been a bridge too far for many female lawmakers,” wrote Sarah Binder, a political science professor at George Washington University and a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell still supports Trump, a nod to party decorum. Some senators in tough reelection battles, including Marco Rubio in Florida and Roy Blunt in Missouri, are keeping to a narrow position — critical of Trump’s behavior, but supporting him as the nominee.

It’s rare to see a major political party come to this, but it isn’t hard to see how it happened. Signs that the party was in trouble emerged as soon as Republican­s won control of the House in 2010.

Initially, the GOP sweep of that year’s House midterm election looked like a reaction to President Obama’s agenda. However, the outcome was by design. GOP-controlled statehouse­s had redrawn congressio­nal districts to give the party all-but-guaranteed seats, which by 2014 swelled the House majority to 247.

The takeover of the Senate four years later sealed the GOP majority in Congress. Outside groups poured in cash to shore up the dynamic, and competitiv­e districts dwindled to historic lows. Just 10% of the 435 House seats are seen as up for grabs this fall.

But the hardened lines also meant GOP lawmakers were left with little room to stray from partisan orthodoxy lest they face a primary challenge from a more conservati­ve candidate. That’s what happened to former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, ousted in a 2014 upset by a tea party challenger.

Led first by the tea party and later the Freedom Caucus, the new partisan warriors fueled the showdowns and shutdowns, and ultimately chased former Speaker John A. Boehner into early retirement.

Many of them launched the Trump caucus in the House, now counting about two dozen members.

 ?? Michelle Rindels Associated Press ?? REP. JOE HECK of Nevada, center, was jeered Saturday at a Las Vegas rally for his Senate bid when he said Donald Trump should quit the presidenti­al race.
Michelle Rindels Associated Press REP. JOE HECK of Nevada, center, was jeered Saturday at a Las Vegas rally for his Senate bid when he said Donald Trump should quit the presidenti­al race.
 ?? Jim Cole Associated Press ?? KELLY AYOTTE of New Hampshire was one of the female GOP senators to drop Trump.
Jim Cole Associated Press KELLY AYOTTE of New Hampshire was one of the female GOP senators to drop Trump.

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