Los Angeles Times

Clean water vs. sugary drinks


Tobacco executives must be thrilled that soda has become a prime target of public health activists. These days, soda is seen as a slow-acting poison that contribute­s to type 2 diabetes, obesity and other health disorders. To some health officials, it is as threatenin­g as cigarettes.

One result has been a surging interest in taxing it and other sugary beverages — a move designed to reduce demand just as tobacco taxes have deterred smoking. Berkeley passed the country’s first soda tax two years ago. Philadelph­ia adopted one earlier this year, and now three California cities — Oakland, Albany and San Francisco — have a penny-per-ounce soda tax on the November ballot. And there are efforts to launch a statewide soda tax as well. Other states and cities are looking at soda taxes too.

A report released this month by the World Health Organizati­on will help take the movement global. The WHO is urging government­s around the world to consider adopting taxes of 20% to 50% on sugar-sweetened beverages as well as incentives to spur the consumptio­n of healthy food and drinks as a way to slow the spread of diabetes and obesity.

So is this a move in the right direction? There is certainly plenty to be concerned about when it comes to the heavy consumptio­n of soda, sports drinks and other sugary beverages. Research increasing­ly shows a link between sugar consumptio­n and metabolic diseases such as diabetes. But before they determine that such taxes are the appropriat­e policy prescripti­on everywhere, public health advocates need to know that consumers have affordable, accessible, healthy alternativ­es to soda. Fruit juice, for instance, may not have added sugars, but it is packed with natural ones that have a similar effect on the body. Artificial­ly sweetened soda may not always be a healthy substitute, or may not lead to weight loss. Drinking water is clearly the best answer, but that assumes everyone has access to clean water. They don’t.

According to the U.N., about 11% of the world’s population doesn’t have access to safe drinking water. And that’s not just people in faraway countries (or in Flint, Mich.). It includes people all over the United States. Here in California, 1 million people are exposed to unsafe drinking water in their homes, schools and other public places, according to the Community Water Center. Does it make sense to slap on a tax before clean and safe alternativ­es to soda are available?

It’s also not clear yet how well these taxes work. Data out of Berkeley offer encouragin­g initial results, including a substantia­l drop in soda consumptio­n among low-income residents. But some people facing local soda taxes may simply drive across borders (from Berkeley, say, to neighborin­g Oakland or San Francisco) to buy cheaper beverages.

And so far there’s no way to know whether people who drink less soda compensate by increasing their consumptio­n of Ho Hos or other sweets. That would be a problem because of evidence that added sugar in processed food is connected to diabetes and other health disorders.

Our diets are complicate­d, and the solutions to poor nutrition are too. But here is one thing we know for certain: It’s better to drink clean water every day than load up on sugary drinks. That’s where we should start.

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