Los Angeles Times

Divestment plan for Trump

Re “Trump’s kleptocrac­y problem,” Opinion, Nov. 27


It seems pretty clear, as Doyle McManus states, that it would not be practical for the president-elect to have a fire sale on his holdings. Simply evaluating the various holdings of real estate, partnershi­ps, corporatio­ns and licensing deals, which the public is still in the dark on, would be a major undertakin­g.

But that shouldn’t let Donald Trump off the hook.

I propose an alternativ­e: Trump should irrevocabl­y assign all his income and profits from all of his various holdings for the duration of his term in office to a blind charitable trust with an independen­t trustee who would have unlimited authority to donate all after-tax income to charity. The independen­t trustee should have full authority to audit all of the sources of income and to review all tax returns to assure compliance.

Walling off the profits may be sufficient inducement to keep Trump focused on the public interest and make sure that any private profit he pursues will be diverted to a good cause. Meanwhile, he should be able to live on his presidenti­al salary and cash savings. Kenneth Scholtz

Los Angeles

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