Los Angeles Times

Warrant sought for Samsung boss

South Korean prosecutor­s ask for a warrant in South Korean bribery case.

- By Matt Stiles Stiles is a special correspond­ent.

The South Korean executive is named in a bribery case related to the president’s impeachmen­t.

SEOUL — South Korean prosecutor­s on Monday sought a warrant for the arrest of the Samsung Group’s de facto leader — one of the nation’s wealthiest and most-powerful executives — in a bribery case related to last month’s impeachmen­t of the country’s president.

Investigat­ors allege that Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronic­s Co., improperly directed company funds to a confidant of the impeached president, Park Geun-hye — perhaps in an effort to solidify his dynastic control over the tech giant, which is South Korea’s largest company.

The prosecutor­s say that Lee, the grandson of the late Samsung founder, directed the funds to Park’s friend, Choi Soon-sil, to curry favor with the government. In return, the prosecutor­s allege, he wanted support for a controvers­ial 2015 merger between two company affiliates.

If the arrest warrant is issued and leads to an indictment, these would be the latest criminal charges in an unpreceden­ted power-abuse scandal that has rocked South Korea’s political system, leading to historic street protests in recent months.

“This thing is metastasiz­ing all out of control,” Robert Kelly, an associate professor at Pusan National University, said of the scandal. “Every day there’s some new revelation.”

Samsung officials were not immediatel­y available for comment.

South Korea’s national legislatur­e last month voted to impeach Park, who is suspended from daily presidenti­al duties and, for now, remains immune to criminal charges. A constituti­onal court is weighing whether to permanentl­y remove Park, whose appointed prime minister is the acting head of state.

Park has apologized repeatedly for the scandal but denied acting outside the national interest. She has also refused to cooperate with the various investigat­ions into her actions.

South Korea has a long history of charging executives at its massive, familycont­rolled companies, known as chaebol, which control a sizable portion of the nation’s retail and manufactur­ing economy.

Yet the allegation­s against the Samsung chief, who is known as Jay Y. Lee in the West, stand out because of the firm’s local and global prominence — and as a sign that more business moguls tied to the scandal could face criminal scrutiny.

“The accusation­s against Jay are so common for Korean chaebol heads they’re more like a rite of passage,” said Geoffrey Cain, a Seoulbased journalist currently writing a book about Samsung’s empire. “But this time it’s a lot more significan­t.”

Cain said the allegation­s, if they lead to a conviction, could dislodge Lee as the company’s de facto leader. “That would be groundbrea­king in South Korea, since it’s almost unheard of for a ruling family to be pushed out of corporate power.”

Kelly, the Pusan National University professor, said South Korea’s government has a history of meddling in economic matters, creating an environmen­t that invites corruption. “It’s always putting businessme­n and government bureaucrat­s around a table talking about money,” he said.

Still, he said the case involving Samsung “carries a lot of weight.”

“You’ve heard Korea referred to as a Republic of Samsung,” he said. “This is something that, quite honestly, could have good political side effects, which is taking down Korea’s largest chaebol, which has been used to a certain amount of impunity.”

The special counsel in the case has probed whether the tech giant, the nation’s largest conglomera­te, donated more than $20 million to firms and foundation­s associated with Choi, the disgraced presidenti­al confidant.

Choi, whose late father was an inf luential cult leader in South Korea, is standing trial on an array of allegation­s that she used her influence with Park to obtain funds from numerous business, including Samsung. Investigat­ors want to know whether the payments led to the National Pension Service’s decision to back a controvers­ial merger in 2015 between two Samsung affiliates, Samsung C&T Corp. and Cheil Industries Inc.

Prosecutor­s on Monday charged Moon Hyung-pyo, the chairman of the National Pension Service, with perjury and abuse of authority.

The merger was seen by corporate analysts as an effort to solidify Lee’s dynastic succession over the tech giant’s vast holdings. His title is vice chairman, but he’s essentiall­y running the Samsung Group after his father’s incapacita­ting heart attack in 2014.

Prosecutor­s last week called the younger Lee, a tall, bespectacl­ed man who attended Harvard Business School, to discuss the bribery allegation­s. He reportedly answered questions, off and on, for 22 hours. Some reports suggested Lee, worth an estimated $6 billion, was allowed only a $5 box meal during the grilling.

Lee, with a polite smile and escorted by a lawyer, arrived at the counsel’s office about 9:30 a.m. Thursday, shuffling through a crush of reporters. “I am deeply sorry, and I apologize to the Korean people for failing to put our best face forward due to this incident,” he told reporters before bowing and entering the office. He didn’t leave until the next morning — again amid a mass of media.

During the questionin­g, a spokesman for the special counsel said prosecutor­s had been considerin­g whether to charge Lee with bribery and perjury. Prosecutor­s had already asked him in mid-December not to leave the country.

Unlike in the United States, many high-profile South Korean investigat­ions involving large companies or political figures play out publicly. Prosecutor­s leak investigat­ive details, conduct high-profile searches and summon suspects for questionin­g with dozens of reporters present — public displays that typically foretell criminal charges.

The case against Lee, however, remained a shock — despite the weeks of public hints that charges could be coming.

The company and Lee have said they made payments to Choi’s foundation­s — even reportedly buying a nearly $1-million dressage horse for her daughter, a noted equestrian athlete. The firm has said the payments were philanthro­pic and supported national sports programs, denying accusation­s that it sought to ease the merger.

The Samsung Group is no stranger to criminal crises at the top of its empire.

Lee’s father, chairman Lee Kun-hee, took over Samsung in 1987. He was forced to resign in 2008 amid charges related to a slush fund to promote Samsung’s interests. He was fined about $100 million and served a suspended sentence, even though prosecutor­s recommende­d that he be sent to prison. The elder Lee regained control of the company in 2010, but has been incapacita­ted since 2014.

The Samsung Group is just one of several South Korean conglomera­tes that donated funds to Choi’s foundation­s, raising the specter that other corporate titans could also be felled by the scandal.

 ?? Kim Do-hoon Associated Press ?? INVESTIGAT­ORS accuse Lee Jae-yong, Samsung’s de facto leader, of improperly directing company funds to a confidant of impeached President Park Geun-hye.
Kim Do-hoon Associated Press INVESTIGAT­ORS accuse Lee Jae-yong, Samsung’s de facto leader, of improperly directing company funds to a confidant of impeached President Park Geun-hye.

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