Los Angeles Times

A vehement response from state lawmakers

California leaders plan to mount opposition to Trump’s directives with a barrage of bills, and possibly a lawsuit.

- JAZMINE ULLOA jazmine.ulloa@latimes.com Twitter: @jazmineull­oa

Democrats plan a barrage of bills and possibly a lawsuit challengin­g the president’s directives.

SACRAMENTO — California Democratic leaders denounced President Trump’s executive immigratio­n orders on Wednesday, saying the actions would pose a threat to public safety, waste taxpayer dollars and tear at the fabric of the country.

The directives, which seek to temporaril­y stop the U.S. refugee program and suspend some visas, curb funding for cities that provide protection­s for immigrants, and order the constructi­on of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, are expected to be met with forceful legislativ­e and legal resistance in California.

The Democratic lawmakers, who on the first day of this legislativ­e session clashed in rancorous debate over how to respond to Trump, said they planned to use their supermajor­ities in the Legislatur­e to speed up a barrage of bills challengin­g the president’s key proposals.

At a news conference hours after Trump’s orders were released, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) called them “mean-spirited” and “spiteful,” saying the state was prepared to take the administra­tion to court should other legislativ­e efforts fail.

“We can all agree we need comprehens­ive immigratio­n reform,” he told reporters. “But the executive actions announced today are counterpro­ductive. They are divisive and unnecessar­y. They won’t make us safer. They wont bring back jobs. They won’t solve our economic challenges. ”

In his executive orders, Trump directed federal workers to start constructi­ng a border wall and begin withholdin­g federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities, which have policies in place to protect immigrants and limit the involvemen­t of their local agencies in federal immigratio­n actions. He is also considerin­g dramatical­ly limiting the flow of people who enter the U.S. from other countries, including a ban on Syrian refugees.

Democratic leaders in California say they have been anticipati­ng the actions. Bills filed so far this session seek to provide legal aid to immigrants in the country illegally, refuse assistance to any proposed registry of Muslim immigrants and require any portion of a proposed wall along California’s southern border that exceeds a cost of $1 billion to first be approved by California voters.

De León has also partnered with state Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (D-Paramount) to hire former U.S. Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. to serve as outside counsel to advise the state’s legal strategy for dealing with the incoming administra­tion. The contract starts in February, but De León said it could begin sooner.

“The less we use Holder, the better,” he said. “The more we use him, that means bad things are happening to the people of California.”

In a statement, Rendon said sanctuary cities “were establishe­d to make communitie­s safer and free up law enforcemen­t for real crimes.” He added that the state’s agricultur­al industry and other economic sectors depend on an immigrant workforce.

“If those businesses suffer, the national economy will suffer, too, and that’s all on Trump,” he said.

The two state leaders are expected to work closely with California Atty. Gen. Xavier Becerra, whose state justice department pledged Wednesday to protect the privacy and property rights of all California­ns.

“Executive orders do not change existing law,” Becerra said in a statement. “Executive orders cannot contradict existing law. And executive orders can be challenged for violating constituti­onal and legal standards in their enforcemen­t.”

At Wednesday’s press conference, state Sen. Ben Hueso (D-San Diego), who is chairman of the Latino Legislativ­e Caucus, said a border wall has already been built and was not effective — or necessary at time when migration from Mexico is low. It is “medieval policy that no longer works today,” he said.

State Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara), chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called the directives unconstitu­tional and urged Trump to listen to the thousands of protesters who took to the streets during the women’s marches over the weekend.

“We will do everything within our power and the power of the law to ensure that all California­ns have their constituti­onal rights protected,” she said.

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was once the mayor of sanctuary city San Francisco, said in a statement Wednesday that Trump’s immigratio­n order “is not just inhumane and immoral — it is a declaratio­n of national economic devastatio­n.”

“It’s irresponsi­ble and irrational to force cities to participat­e in deportatio­n crackdowns by threatenin­g to take away their public safety and homeland security dollars — since the inevitable result will be making our cities and our homeland far less safe and secure,” Newsom said.

But not all lawmakers were opposed to the directives. On Twitter, Assemblywo­man Marie Waldron (R-Escondido) said, “The lives of our citizens are at risk until criminal aliens are out of the country.”

Back in De León’s office, state Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), chairwoman of the Public Safety Committee, said that the state and national economies rely on immigrants and that she wanted to remind the president that “people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.”

“In the same way that the occupant of the White House has not released his tax returns, the first lady has not released her immigratio­n records,” she said. “We don’t really know whether the first lady complied with all of the U.S. immigratio­n rules, and so are we expecting selective enforcemen­t? Will only certain people come under the threat of this executive order?”

 ?? Jazmine Ulloa Los Angeles Times ?? STATE SENATE President Pro Tem Kevin de León and other California officials denounced President Trump’s orders on immigratio­n and the border Wednesday.
Jazmine Ulloa Los Angeles Times STATE SENATE President Pro Tem Kevin de León and other California officials denounced President Trump’s orders on immigratio­n and the border Wednesday.

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