Los Angeles Times

White House digs in for travel ban fight

Trump attacks judge in the case and also praises Putin, drawing GOP alarm. He again threatens California.

- By Laura King

After a federal appeals court on Sunday rejected President Trump’s emergency bid to reinstate his contentiou­s travel ban, the White House signaled fresh determinat­ion to push forward in a legal dispute that is fast becoming a test of executive power.

Meanwhile, visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by Trump’s temporary ban hurried to board U.S.-bound airplanes to seize what they feared might be a brief opportunit­y to enter the country.

Trump’s 10-day-old directive — which also temporaril­y halted the arrival of all refugees coming to the U.S. — sparked worldwide debate over religious discrimina­tion, briefly locked out tens of thousands of valid U.S. visa holders and rattled some close American allies.

It remains in abeyance after the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco early Sunday rejected an emergency request by the Justice Department to stay an order by a Seattle federal judge that had blocked implementa­tion of the ban.

The legal fight will continue in the coming days. Though it turned down Trump’s request for an immediate reinstatem­ent of the ban, the 9th Circuit will still consider the administra­tion’s appeal and asked for responses and counter-responses from both sides by Monday.

Several courts around

the country have questioned whether parts of the ban are discrimina­tory. The White House and many Republican­s defend it as necessary for national security.

But despite the administra­tion’s attempts to stay on message as a broader constituti­onal confrontat­ion loomed, the president himself — as has happened often in his nascent administra­tion — proved a potent source of distractio­n over the weekend through his comments and tweets.

Some Republican­s moved Sunday to distance themselves from two days of repeated attacks by Trump against the Seattle federal judge, James L. Robart, who blocked the ban’s implementa­tion Friday.

“Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!” Trump said Sunday on Twitter. A day earlier he referred to the Republican-appointed jurist as a “so-called judge.”

Also grabbing attention was Trump’s inflammato­ry comparison of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s deadly reprisals against domestic enemies with American acts of violence.

Asked by Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly why Trump had such respect for the Russian leader when “Putin’s a killer,” Trump responded, “We’ve got a lot of killers. You think our country’s so innocent?”

He went on to reference the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. “Take a look at what we’ve done too. We’ve made a lot of mistakes.”

In the same interview, Trump renewed his threat to strip federal funding from California if it proceeds with a proposal to resist his deportatio­n plans for immigrants here illegally and become the first sanctuary state.

“California in many ways is out of control,” Trump said.

The result of Trump’s latest remarks was that Vice President Mike Pence and other Republican­s found themselves spending as much time defending and explaining the president’s comments as advocating for the travel ban.

Democrats expressed dismay over Trump’s Twitter attacks against the judge, saying they suggested the president did not respect the independen­ce of the judiciary.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” said Trump’s ban should have been handled in consultati­on with Congress. She expected the matter to eventually end up in the Supreme Court — meaning the entire flap could color confirmati­on hearings for Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch.

“The president is not a dictator,” Feinstein said. “The framers of our Constituti­on wanted a strong Congress for the very reason that most of these kinds of things should be done within the scope of lawmaking.”

Most Republican­s defended the need for a travel ban, though many questioned how it had been rolled out, causing chaos and confusion in airports and embassies worldwide.

Several GOP lawmakers took issue with Trump’s personal attacks on the judge and his comments about Putin, rejecting any moral comparison between the Russian leader and the U.S.

“I don’t understand language like that,” Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) said on ABC’s “This Week.” “We don’t have so-called judges. We don’t have so-called senators. We don’t have socalled presidents.”

Sasse also expressed dismay at Trump’s remarks about Putin.

“There is no moral equivalenc­y between the United States of America, the greatest freedom-loving nation in the history of the world, and the murderous thugs that are in Putin’s defense of his cronyism,” Sasse said. “There’s no moral equivalenc­y there.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” said he wasn’t going to “critique every utterance” of Trump’s, but didn’t defend him either. “I obviously don’t see this issue the same way he does,” he said. “America is different — we don’t operate in any way the Russians do.”

McConnell also raised concerns over restrictin­g travel.

“The courts are going to decide whether the executive order the president issued is valid or not,” the Kentucky Republican said. “There is a fine line here between proper vetting and interferin­g with the kind of travel or suggesting some kind of religious test. And we need to avoid doing that kind of thing.”

Pressed about Trump’s criticism of the judge, Pence downplayed Trump’s tweets, saying in an interview on “This Week” that the American people were “very accustomed to this president speaking his mind.”

Pence also defended the decision-making process behind the travel ban, one of a flurry of executive orders in Trump’s first days in the Oval Office.

“I think the early days of this administra­tion are going to be described in history books as days of action,” the vice president said.

He said the White House would abide by the court’s decision, but he expressed unhappines­s over what he described as judicial efforts to improperly interfere with the president’s authority.

“It’s just very frustratin­g to the president, to our whole administra­tion, to millions of Americans who want to see judges that will uphold the law and recognize the authority the president of the United States has under the Constituti­on to manage who comes into this country,” Pence said in another interview, on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The travel ban affected some 60,000 valid visas. They were first canceled as a result of the president’s Jan. 27 directive and then reinstated following Robart’s order.

Over the weekend, some travelers who had previously been turned away were able to rebook travel to the United States, setting the stage for some joyous reunions. Friends and family of Yemeni-born Ahmed Alamry waited eagerly for him at John F. Kennedy Internatio­nal Airport on Sunday.

It had taken Alamry nearly nine years to get a visa to join his wife, who is studying to be a doctor in the United States. After being waved off when the ban was imposed, he was finally en route.

“This takes a toll on everyone,” said a waiting friend, Abdonasser Almasmary, who worked as a New York City police officer and now leads a Yemeni American group.

“This is a great nation built on immigrants,” he said. “That’s what makes us great.”

Immigratio­n advocacy groups have urged those holding visas to travel as soon as possible because the legal outlook remained uncertain.

Court challenges to the ban are underway in a dozen other venues around the country, but the Seattle ruling was the most sweeping. Groups including the American Civil Liberties Union say they hope to overturn the travel ban on constituti­onal grounds.

In Florida, where Trump is having a golf getaway, the president told reporters at his Mar-a-Lago resort Saturday night that he expected his order to ultimately stand.

“We’ll win,” he said. “For the safety of the country, we’ll win.”

‘I think the early days of this administra­tion are going to be described in history books as days of action.’ — Vice President Mike Pence, defending the decision-making process behind the travel ban

 ?? Michael Reynolds EPA ?? PRESIDENT TRUMP says he expects his travel order to prevail in court.
Michael Reynolds EPA PRESIDENT TRUMP says he expects his travel order to prevail in court.

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