Los Angeles Times

Iran flip-flops on wrestlers

- By Shashank Bengali and Ramin Mostaghim shashank.bengali @latimes.com Special correspond­ent Mostaghim reported from Tehran and Times staff writer Bengali from Mumbai, India.

TEHRAN — After a federal judge temporaril­y blocked President Trump’s ban on Iranians traveling to the United States, Iran said Sunday that a U.S. wrestling team would be granted visas to compete at a prestigiou­s internatio­nal tournament here this month.

The move was aimed at de-escalating tension with the Trump administra­tion, which had put Iran “on no- tice” and imposed fresh sanctions after the Islamic Republic conducted a ballistic missile test Jan. 29.

Iranian news agencies had reported Friday that Americans would be denied visas to compete in the Freestyle World Cup on Feb. 16 and 17 in Kermanshah, a cradle of traditiona­l wrestling in western Iran.

But Bahram Ghasemi, a spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, said Sunday that the American team would be granted visas in part because of the decision by a U.S. federal judge to “halt the execution of discrimina­tory restrictio­ns against the entrance of Iranian citizens to America,” the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported.

The decision on Friday by federal Judge James L. Robart temporaril­y lifted Trump’s ban against refugees and travelers from seven predominan­tly Muslim nations — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Two Iranian archers were among those denied visas to the U.S. to participat­e in a tournament in Las Vegas.

Trump lashed out at Robart, calling the decision “ridiculous,” and directed the Justice Department to appeal the ruling. Early Sunday, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals denied the Trump administra­tion’s request to reinstate the travel ban immediatel­y and asked both sides to file arguments by Monday.

Iran and the United States have enjoyed a close relationsh­ip when it comes to wrestling, which is extremely popular in the Islamic Republic. American wrestlers have attended Iran-hosted meets more than 15 times over the last three decades.

The event this month in Kermanshah was also expected to draw teams from Russia, Ukraine and Cuba.

The Foreign Ministry did not say whether other Americans holding valid visas would be allowed to enter Iran. Iranian officials had said they would “take reciprocal measures” against American nationals in response to Trump’s ban.

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