Los Angeles Times

Fringe group blamed for UC havoc

Officials say outside agitators invaded the Berkeley campus to disrupt a speech by Milo Yiannopoul­os.

- By Veronica Rocha and Peter H. King

BERKELEY — They dressed “like ninjas” and marched into UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza like a paramilita­ry force armed with bats, steel rods, fireworks and Molotov cocktails, officials say.

The scheduled appearance Wednesday of conservati­ve provocateu­r Milo Yiannopoul­os was still two hours away, but it was precisely the time that most local television stations were beginning their live 6 p.m. broadcasts.

Within minutes, the group of 100 to 150 agitators had smashed half a dozen windows with barricades, launched fireworks at police and toppled a diesel-powered klieg light, which caused it to burst into flames.

“They didn’t come to lock arms and sing ‘Kumbaya,’ ” said Dan Mogulof, assistant vice chancellor and spokesman for UC Berkeley. “They came to [mess stuff] up,” he said, using stronger language.

Though so-called black bloc agitators have become a fixture of Bay Area demonstrat­ions in the last decade, their appearance at Berkeley on Wednesday and at otherwise peaceful demonstrat­ions threatens to inflame tensions in an already polarized nation.

After learning that Yiannopoul­os’ talk was canceled, President Trump tweeted: “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view — NO FEDERAL FUNDS?”

School and law enforcemen­t agencies have struggled to cope with the tactics of the self-described anarchists or antifascis­ts.

Moving officers into Wednesday night’s melee would have created “a lethal, horror situation,” said campus Police Chief Margo Bennett.

“We have to do exactly what we did last night: to show tremendous re-

straint,” she said.

UC Berkeley officials are now talking with federal and local law enforcemen­t agencies about how to address black bloc tactics, which first appeared in Europe in the 1980s but have grown increasing­ly common in the United States in recent years.

To be sure, the University of California system has seen far larger disruption­s by ordinary students. Window breaking and barricade tossing were common during regents meetings when tuition was being raised significan­tly in the last decade, and protesters at UCLA trapped the regents and other UC officials in a meeting building and garage.

But even though there was only one arrest Wednesday night, Berkeley officials insist the incident was something altogether new.

“We have never seen this on the Berkeley campus,” Mogulof said.

“This was an unpreceden­ted invasion.”

Mogulof said Berkeley administra­tors are dedicated to protecting the 1st Amendment and free speech, but certain events might need to have a closer look, especially if there is potential for major disruption and destructio­n on campus. School officials, he said, are reviewing their policing tactics as well as their policies and protocols for future events featuring controvers­ial speakers.

He said “it’s not about limiting free speech” but about protecting the students and campus.

The agitators, who keep their faces covered with bandannas, attach themselves to peaceful protests and then start shattering windows and attacking cars, authoritie­s say.

Police are investigat­ing the group’s tactics, and additional arrests could come in the future, officials said.

The group seems to be most active in Oakland, which has long been a hotbed of the protest movement.

In downtown Oakland, shopkeeper­s have taken to boarding up their windows before protests they believe will attract the anarchist element.

At UC Berkeley, Police Chief Bennett said she doubts it would come to that on campus, but did allow there might need to be some rethinking about allowing controvers­ial appearance­s to take place at night.

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