Los Angeles Times

Marijuana smoke signals Should states worry about a Trump crackdown on recreation­al pot?

- By Kurtis Lee kurtis.lee@latimes.com Twitter: @kurtisalee

It’s a movement charging ahead — for now.

Legalizing recreation­al marijuana is a priority in more than a dozen states as polls show overwhelmi­ng support and lawmakers see a way to bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue. So far, eight states have legalized recreation­al cannabis.

But in recent weeks, the Trump administra­tion has alarmed some pot supporters by warning states that have legalized recreation­al marijuana — California, Colorado and Oregon, among them — that federal law enforcemen­t agents could soon come after them.

“I am definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana,” U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions told reporters recently. (Last year, Sessions characteri­zed marijuana as a “very real danger.”)

Here’s a look at the current state of marijuana in America.

When did marijuana legalizati­on begin?

The movement began more than 20 years ago.

In 1996, California­ns overwhelmi­ngly passed Propositio­n 215, which legalized marijuana for medicinal use. Since then, 27 other states and the District of Columbia have passed laws — a mix of voter-approved ballot measures and legislatio­n — legalizing marijuana for medicinal use.

Scientific research has consistent­ly shown that, for certain conditions, marijuana can be of medical value.

A report released in January by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineerin­g and Medicine found that there is conclusive and substantia­l evidence that cannabis is effective for the treatment of chronic pain in adults, including nausea from chemothera­py and spasms related to multiple sclerosis.

Similar findings have shown up in other medical reports.

Isn’t marijuana still illegal at the federal level? Yes, kind of. Under federal law, marijuana is viewed as a Schedule I drug — the highest classifica­tion, which also includes heroin and ecstasy.

“States, they can pass the laws they choose. I would just say, it does remain a violation of federal law to distribute marijuana throughout any place in the United States, whether a state legalizes it or not,” Sessions said.

But states that have legalized medicinal pot have some leeway.

In 2014, Congress passed a spending bill that included a provision that bars the Justice Department from using funds to go after state medical cannabis programs. The provision remains in place.

What about recreation­al marijuana?

It’s not protected under that provision.

Since 2012, eight states — with Colorado and Washington state leading the way — have legalized the sale and possession of marijuana for anyone over the age of 21. One result is that the states are raking in big bucks.

Last year, Colorado brought in nearly $200 million in tax revenue off sales, while Washington state netted about $256 million.

What is the Trump administra­tion planning to do?

It’s unclear. Aside from saying states that legalized recreation­al pot could be targeted for federal action, the administra­tion did not get into specifics, though it certainly suggested a sterner approach than the Obama administra­tion.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer likened marijuana use to the opioid epidemic and said the Justice Department would review how to proceed.

What did Trump the candidate say about legal marijuana?

Trump, who rarely faced questions about cannabis legalizati­on on the campaign trail, made remarks that appear at odds with the recent comments from Sessions and Spicer.

“I think it’s up to the states,” Trump said in an interview with a Denver television station in August. “I’m a states person. I think it should be up to the states, absolutely.”

So recreation­al legalizati­on began under President Obama. What did he do?

To be blunt, mostly nothing.

Other than a few raids early on, the Obama administra­tion viewed marijuana legalizati­on mostly as a states’ rights issue.

In a memo released in August 2013, then-Deputy Atty. Gen. James Cole noted that as long as state legalizati­on efforts didn’t undermine a range of federal priorities — such as keeping pot out of the hands of minors and preventing marijuana from being grown on public land — his office would exercise prosecutor­ial discretion.

In other words, the Justice Department directed law enforcemen­t resources to other drug priorities, such as the growing use of opiate painkiller­s across the country.

Obama, in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in November, said he was not “somebody who believes that legalizati­on is a panacea.”

“But I do believe that treating this as a publicheal­th issue, the same way we do with cigarettes or alcohol, is the much smarter way to deal with it,” he said.

Are states that have legalized pot looking for help from the federal government? Yes. Because marijuana is illegal under federal law, banks are prohibited from taking money from dispensari­es selling pot, forcing an all-cash business that creates persistent fears of violent crime among employees.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er has called on Congress to pass legislatio­n that halts federal regulators from penalizing financial institutio­ns for serving the marijuana industry.

He has support from members of Congress, such as Rep. Jared Polis (DColo.), who in February helped form the bipartisan Congressio­nal Cannabis Caucus. The group aims to craft and pass legislatio­n that helps states that have legalized marijuana.

“The results are in,” Polis said in a statement last month. “A majority of Americans live in a state that has some form of legal access to cannabis, and the federal prohibitio­n of marijuana has been a complete and utter failure.”

Are more states looking to legalize? Yes — many more. So far this year, lawmakers in 17 states — Connecticu­t, Minnesota and Hawaii, to name a few — have introduced more than two dozen measures to legalize recreation­al pot for adults and tax its sales.

“Our focus is on revenue and bringing in cash to the state as legalizati­on becomes more and more widespread,” Mary Washington, a state delegate from Maryland who introduced a bill recently that would tax marijuana like alcohol, told The Times.

“Why not get it done now? We’re elected to do a job. More and more states are moving in this direction.”

 ?? John Leyba Denver Post ?? MARIJUANA for sale in Denver. “I am definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana,” U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions said. He called pot a “very real danger.”
John Leyba Denver Post MARIJUANA for sale in Denver. “I am definitely not a fan of expanded use of marijuana,” U.S. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions said. He called pot a “very real danger.”

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