Los Angeles Times

Praise turned into rebuke

Trump egged on, then fired Comey for same reason

- By Evan Halper

WASHINGTON — During the presidenti­al campaign, Donald Trump led his rallies in chants of “Lock her up!” and praised FBI Director James B. Comey’s actions investigat­ing Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server that shook voter confidence in the Democratic nominee.

When Comey revealed to Congress 11 days before the election that he was reopening the investigat­ion because the FBI had discovered new emails — a highly controvers­ial move that Clinton says may have cost her the election — Trump lauded the director.

“It took guts for Director Comey to make the move he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecutio­n,” Trump told supporters in October. “He’s gotta hang tough, because a lot of people want him to do the wrong thing. What he did was the right thing.”

On Tuesday he fired Comey, arguing that it was actually the wrong thing.

It is a curious rationale considerin­g Trump’s lavish praise for Comey during the heat of the campaign, and one that has left the president open to charges he was just looking for an excuse to jettison an FBI chief who has been investigat­ing whether any of Trump’s aides colluded with Russian intelligen­ce during the election.

“If the administra­tion had objections to the way [Comey] handled the Clinton investigat­ion, they had those objections the minute the president got into office,” Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. “But they didn’t fire him then.”

On the contrary. Trump warmly embraced Comey at a White House reception right after he was inaugurate­d in January. Democrats who felt burned by Comey fumed about the exchange over social media.

And when CBS’ “60 Minutes” asked Trump about

Comey after the election, Trump said, “I respect him a lot.”

Not that Trump didn’t have grievances. They just weren’t any of the issues in the three-page memo drafted by Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein and which the White House says Trump relied on when he terminated the FBI chief.

In many cases, Trump had urged Comey to take precisely the kind of actions that Rosenstein’s memo now says motivated the director’s firing.

The memo hit Comey hard for announcing the conclusion­s of the FBI investigat­ion at a news conference in July without consent of federal prosecutor­s, accusing him of inappropri­ately usurping the attorney general’s authority.

“It is not the function of the director to make such an announceme­nt,” Rosenstein wrote. “At most, the director should have said the FBI completed its investigat­ion and presented its findings to federal prosecutor­s.”

But at that time, with the campaign in full swing, Trump was telling supporters at rallies that federal prosecutor­s in the Obama administra­tion were protecting Clinton, suggesting the FBI needed to wall itself from them. He complained of a “rigged system.”

Then-Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch earlier had been spotted meeting privately on an airplane with former President Clinton. Although both insisted the meeting was a social call only, Trump repeatedly cited their get-together as evidence the fix was in and Lynch’s office could not be trusted.

He mocked assertions by Lynch and the former president that they talked about their grandchild­ren and golf during the 30-minute tarmac meeting.

“So give the grandchild­ren two minutes,” Trump told a rally in July. “Give the golf 3 minutes. That’s a long time to be sitting there twiddling your thumbs. What else are we going to talk about? Let’s talk about Hillary!”

At his July 5 news conference, Comey pilloried Hillary Clinton for her email practices and then concluded that her recklessne­ss didn’t rise to the level of an indictable crime.

Trump had no problem after Comey accused Clinton and her colleagues of being “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified informatio­n.” He instead accused Comey of holding back informatio­n that proved Clinton’s guilt.

But on Tuesday, one of the reasons the White House cited for Comey’s firing was that he had violated a longstandi­ng FBI practice of not “gratuitous­ly” releasing derogatory informatio­n about a target of an investigat­ion.

Comey’s public criticism of Clinton, the Rosenstein memo said, “is a textbook example of what federal prosecutor­s and agents are taught not to do.”

Another thing FBI officials are taught not to do, and which Rosenstein raised in his memo, is announce when it has initiated — or reignited — an investigat­ion.

The memo says Comey’s failure to keep quiet about the Clinton emails that the FBI had discovered in October was a grave error. He charged that Comey’s explanatio­n — that he spoke up to avoid the appearance of concealing key informatio­n — didn’t wash.

“When federal agents and prosecutor­s quietly open a criminal investigat­ion, we are not concealing anything,” Rosenstein wrote. “We are simply following the longstandi­ng policy that we refrain from publicizin­g non-public informatio­n.… Silence is not concealmen­t.”

But Trump had nothing but kind words for Comey when he revealed 11 days before the election that the investigat­ion had been relaunched. Trump praised Comey’s initiative in the face of what Trump surmised was intense pressure from the Obama administra­tion to keep it under wraps.

“It took a lot of guts,” Trump said of Comey. “He brought back his reputation.”

Six months ago, much of the Rosenstein memo could have been written by Clinton loyalists. It lays out many of their complaints about how Comey conducted himself during the campaign.

The irony that Trump has fired Comey on grounds that he was, in essence, too aggressive in his pursuit of Clinton is not lost on them.

“Twilight zone,” tweeted Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook late Tuesday about the firing. “I was as disappoint­ed and frustrated as anyone at how the email investigat­ion was handled. But this terrifies me.”

 ?? Olivier Douliery Abaca Press ?? HILLARY CLINTON concedes the election in November. When FBI Director James Comey revealed 11 days before the vote that he had reopened the Clinton inquiry, Donald Trump praised him: “It took a lot of guts.”
Olivier Douliery Abaca Press HILLARY CLINTON concedes the election in November. When FBI Director James Comey revealed 11 days before the vote that he had reopened the Clinton inquiry, Donald Trump praised him: “It took a lot of guts.”
 ?? Jacquelyn Martin Associated Press ?? COMEY with then-Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch in 2016. He was fired in part for “usurping [her] authority” and for not keeping quiet about the investigat­ion.
Jacquelyn Martin Associated Press COMEY with then-Atty. Gen. Loretta Lynch in 2016. He was fired in part for “usurping [her] authority” and for not keeping quiet about the investigat­ion.

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