Los Angeles Times

More reasons to vote no on C


If the Los Angeles City Council really has come up with a better, fairer police discipline system, why doesn’t Charter Amendment C on the May 16 ballot ask voters simply to adopt it? Why does the measure instead offer police officers who are accused of misconduct a choice between the current, supposedly discredite­d Board of Rights — a review panel composed of two members of the Los Angeles Police Department’s command staff and one civilian — and a new all-civilian board?

The Police Protective League (the police officers’ union) and its City Hall supporters — Mayor Eric Garcetti and the council — argue that their proposal increases civilian oversight of the police. If that’s the case, why do the city’s most outspoken advocates of better civilian oversight — the Community Coalition, Black Lives Matter, the Los Angeles Community Action Network, the ACLU of Southern California — so adamantly oppose Charter Amendment C?

Because they see it for the ruse that it is. The measure wouldn’t change what the boards do — they hear appeals of the chief ’s disciplina­ry actions, with the power to reduce but not increase recommende­d punishment­s. It would just change who’s on them.

Charter Amendment C was hand-crafted by the union, whose job is to seek better terms of employment for its members. The union is free to do that — but it has so much political clout now that city officials go to bat for it when they shouldn’t.

Local leaders weren’t always so deferentia­l. For example, a decade ago, council members and then-Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa vocally backed legislatio­n to reopen police discipline hearings to the public, arguing correctly that the secrecy prevented the public from seeing whether and how cops who violated policy were held accountabl­e. But police unions around the state successful­ly lobbied Sacramento to keep hearings closed.

There was another attempt last year to make police proceeding­s and records public, as they had once been. This time, instead of advocating vocally for passage, most of L.A.’s elected officials were as silent as the grave.

Charter Amendment C is yet another mark of how far the political establishm­ent has moved from its former respectful skepticism of police unions to acquiescen­ce. Civilians have been shown to side with officers in discipline proceeding­s more often than do the police command staff who currently makes up the majority of each Board of Rights, so the union, the mayor and the council are offering a measure that would allow officers to present their cases to only civilians. Because proceeding­s would continue to be held in secret, the public would continue to be kept largely in the dark.

Over two decades, there have been many thoughtful, independen­t analysts who agreed with the union that the current Board of Rights system should be replaced — but who rejected all-civilian panels. The Rampart Independen­t Review Panel, for example, urged the city to limit the Board of Rights to fact-finding — did the officer truly commit misconduct? — and leave actual punishment decisions to the chief, who would have to follow guidelines adopted by the Police Commission.

Other proposals have included making the Police Commission itself a true civilian review board by allowing it to make discipline decisions. These and other suggested reforms should be among the options presented to voters or the council.

They are not on the May 16 ballot, because Charter Amendment C is not one of those thoughtful proposals that an independen­t panel arrived at following a process of interviews, testimony and study. It is the result of private talks between top city officials and the Police Protective League. Union leaders surely see the advantage to their members of being able to choose among differentl­y formatted Boards of Rights. If some future council changes the criteria for selecting civilian members to make them tougher on accused officers, those officers could still select a board without a civilian majority.

It’s not as though the Boards of Rights are inordinate­ly tough on officers. They reject more than half of the chief ’s requests for discipline.

Police officers have a constituti­onal right not to be fired or otherwise punished on a whim or out of personal animus or political pressure. They are entitled to an appeals system that offers due process, and they ought to have a system they perceive to be fair. What they will get, if Charter Amendment C passes, is an unwarrante­d choice of arbiters and a chance to further undermine the chief ’s ability to run his department, as well as the public’s ability to hold him accountabl­e. Voters should say vote no on C.

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