Los Angeles Times


As California GOP lawmakers lie low after health vote, activists fire up to oust them

- By Christine Mai-Duc and Javier Panzar

In Orange County, Rep. Mimi Walters was nowhere to be found when more than 800 people showed up at an Irvine high school for an activist-organized town hall.

Outside Rep. Darrell Issa’s Vista office, hundreds of protesters, some dressed in hospital gowns or holding crutches, arrived for a “sick in” protesting his vote to approve a healthcare bill while the congressma­n raised money at a white sand beach resort in Florida. And about 130 miles north, a handful of people who showed up to the Simi Valley office of Rep. Steve Knight talked to a single staffer while others met with a locked door.

All three Republican­s were reelected in districts won by Hillary Clinton and have been named as top targets by Democrats. All three, along with the rest of their Republican California colleagues, voted for the GOP plan to dismantle Obamacare last week. None of the three have announced public events in their districts this week even though the House is out of session.

With the first major pol-

icy vote on President Trump’s agenda complete, members of the so-called “resistance” and the members of Congress who represent them seem to have gone to their corners as they prepare for what Democrats hope will be a competitiv­e 2018 election season.

More and more, left-leaning activists in these Republican-held districts are shifting from attempts to engage with their Congress member to promises to defeat them.

As a light drizzle fell Tuesday morning in Vista, at least 500 protesters toted umbrellas and signs reading “Repeal and Replace Issa,” alluding to a popular Republican rallying cry against Obamacare.

They sang an anti-Issa song to the melody of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic”: “Issa, we will not grow tired/ Your replacemen­t will be hired/ Pack your bags, because you’re fired!/ It’s time for you to go!”

“If anything good came of all this, it’s that [Issa] finally put his vote on the table so we know where he stood,” Encinitas resident Ellen Montanari said afterward. “He threw so many of his constituen­ts under the bus.” Others said they felt betrayed because Issa, who had kept mum on which way he was leaning, cast one of the final votes to pass the bill.

Inside Issa’s three-story building, the congressma­n’s doors were locked, with signs warning of video surveillan­ce and instructin­g visitors to ring a doorbell for service.

Issa has held at least one town hall meeting this year and has been known for impromptu appearance­s to address protesters outside his office. On Tuesday, Issa was at an annual fundraiser at the Longboat Key Club resort in Sarasota County, Fla. Issa spokesman Calvin Moore said the congressma­n considers the healthcare bill a “work in progress” and is committed to strengthen­ing the plan as it moves through the Senate, particular­ly the provisions addressing patients with preexistin­g conditions.

“Continuing the status quo was unacceptab­le,” Moore said. “This is our shot and our best chance to begin undoing the damage that Obamacare has done to California­ns’ healthcare.”

Walters, unlike Issa and Knight, never waffled over her support for the GOP healthcare bill. In an interview at her Irvine district office, spokesman T.W. Arrighi said that although the volume of calls and emails to the office ahead of the vote was “heavy,” many of the complaints came from people who live outside the district and were armed with “wild misinforma­tion” pushed by liberal groups.

“If she didn’t vote for the bill, she’d be doing a tremendous disservice and injustice to those who voted for her and wanted her to repeal and replace Obamacare,” Arrighi said, pointing to the double-digit margins of Walters’ last two victories. “That’s an overwhelmi­ng mandate for her to act the way she did.”

A visitor log in Walters’ reception area showed about two dozen entries for constituen­ts in April and early May, many of them asking her to hold a town hall. A television mounted to the wall was set to Fox News as the president’s dismissal of FBI Director James Comey unfolded Tuesday, and phones rang only intermitte­ntly in the background in the otherwise quiet office.

A couple of hours later, hundreds gathered at Northwood High School a few miles away for an “empty chair” town hall that was scheduled to go on with or without their congresswo­man. Walters didn’t show. Her staff declined to say exactly where she was this week, but said she was meeting with constituen­ts in the district.

Before the town hall began, participan­ts snapped photos with a handmade cardboard cutout of Walters dressed up as the title character of “Where’s Waldo?” and wrote messages on butcher paper for later delivery to her office.

In Walters’ absence, organizers played clips of Walters’ campaign ads and invited a panel of speakers to discuss topics such as the environmen­t and immigratio­n. Audience members asked questions about Walters’ positions and held up red and green cards to express approval or disagreeme­nt.

When a high schooler stood to ask about how to improve bipartisan­ship and the political climate, law professor and panelist Jennifer Lee Koh replied, “Real facts and real news.” She added, to much applause, “Not Fox News.”

When the event ended, a trio of challenger­s already running against Walters chatted up potential voters.

Brooke Leys-Campeau, 41, of Tustin said she and other constituen­ts grew frustrated after repeatedly trying to reach out to Walters.

“I wrote letters, sent emails, I called the office and my general impression was that she was not ever planning to legitimate­ly engage with us,” Leys-Campeau said.

She had hoped she could persuade her representa­tive to “at least stand up to [Trump] on certain issues,” but said it soon became clear to her that Walters wouldn’t. “The shift went to, ‘Well, we’ve got to get them out and get people in who will,’” she said.

Further north, three small groups of activists were able to speak with one of Knight’s staffers in Simi Valley, but by the time Peggie Noisette showed up later that afternoon, the door was locked and there was no answer.

“They should be responsive to their constituen­ts,” said Noisette, 76, of Simi Valley as she slipped a letter under the door.

Later Tuesday, Knight, who is a military veteran, spoke to a small gathering at the Veterans of Foreign Wars post in Palmdale.

A spokesman for Knight defended his vote, noting that Knight sponsored an amendment adding $8 billion over five years to help cover insurance costs for those with preexistin­g health conditions, an approach advocates and policy analysts say fell flat in California and other states until Obamacare came along.

“Rep. Knight continues to fight for protection­s for individual­s with preexistin­g conditions, which is why he is a co-author of the UptonLong amendment,” spokesman Daniel Outlaw said in an email.

Not everyone was lying low. Rep. Jeff Denham, who won reelection by just 3% in November, was grilled by constituen­ts at a small gathering in the Central Valley town of Riverbank. Denham, who held no other public events this week, mostly took the heated questions in stride but suggested at one point that “the Democrat Party” had organized detractors to face off with him.

“I am suffering and you don’t care,” said one woman who confronted Denham. “I have talked to you … I have been civil and I get blank ‘Blah, blah blah’ in response.”

“I know the Democrat Party has organized this this morning,” Denham replied, before the group jeered at him.

Darry Sragow, a veteran Democratic strategist and editor of the nonpartisa­n election guide California Target Book, said the politician­s’ responses could reflect how at risk they actually feel.

“In the case of Denham, facing the music would make a lot of sense,” Sragow said, given that Denham is one of only two California Republican­s in Congress from a targeted district whose voters have shown a particular propensity to pick Democrats in statewide and presidenti­al contests. “The others may be more inclined to avoid the confrontat­ion and the inherent risks in a town hall setting.”

 ?? Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times ?? CHARLIE AND Mary Leigh Blek of Trabuco Canyon are photograph­ed with a cutout of Rep. Mimi Walters at a town hall in Irvine. Walters was a no-show.
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times CHARLIE AND Mary Leigh Blek of Trabuco Canyon are photograph­ed with a cutout of Rep. Mimi Walters at a town hall in Irvine. Walters was a no-show.
 ?? Christine Mai-Duc Los Angeles Times ?? A CROWD rallies outside Rep. Darrell Issa’s office in Vista. “He threw so many of his constituen­ts under the bus,” a protester said of the Republican’s vote on a health bill to dismantle Obamacare. Issa was in Florida.
Christine Mai-Duc Los Angeles Times A CROWD rallies outside Rep. Darrell Issa’s office in Vista. “He threw so many of his constituen­ts under the bus,” a protester said of the Republican’s vote on a health bill to dismantle Obamacare. Issa was in Florida.

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