Los Angeles Times

Tough drug war policies restored

Sessions tells federal prosecutor­s to stop avoiding the triggering of long prison terms.

- By Joseph Tanfani and Evan Halper joseph.tanfani @latimes.com evan.halper@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — Ordering federal prosecutor­s on Friday to crack down on drug offenders, Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions made clear he wants the Justice Department to turn the clock back to a tougher era in the fourdecade­s-long war on drugs.

In a memo, Sessions said federal prosecutor­s should “charge and pursue the most serious, readily provable offense” in drug cases, even when that would trigger mandatory minimum sentencing.

Mandatory sentencing laws for drug users have been controvers­ial for years, and many Republican­s as well as Democrats now oppose them as unfair, ineffectiv­e and too costly.

The new Justice Department policy cancels the Obama administra­tion’s attempts to pull back on harsh sentencing strategies, which had produced a huge growth in prison population­s. It restores some language from a 2003 memo written by thenAtty. Gen. John Ashcroft.

Speaking Friday at the Justice Department, Sessions said the crackdown was “a key part of President Trump’s promise to keep America safe,” linking drug traffickin­g to increased homicide rates in some cities.

“We are returning to the enforcemen­t of the law as passed by Congress — plain and simple,” Sessions said.

Sessions rescinded policy memos signed in 2013 and 2014 by then-Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. that instructed prosecutor­s to reserve the toughest charges for highlevel trafficker­s and violent criminals.

Since then, the number of drug offenders given mandatory minimum sentences has dropped dramatical­ly, contributi­ng to a 14% decline in the total federal prison population, with 188,797 inmates this month.

Holder slammed Sessions’ policy Friday, calling it “ideologica­lly motivated” and not supported by facts.“The policy announced today is not tough on crime,” Holder said. “It is dumb on crime.”

The new policy threatens to halt a push for bipartisan criminal justice reform that has been led by some of Trump’s closest advisors and embraced by key Republican­s on Capitol Hill, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) criticized the new policy Friday, arguing that mandatory minimum sentences disproport­ionately targeted minorities because of how different drugs are categorize­d under the law.

The “new policy will accentuate that injustice,” Paul said in a statement.

“Sessions is an outlier in his own party and even among many of his own colleagues in the administra­tion,” said Inimai Chettiar, the justice program director at the Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law. “A lot of Republican­s support reductions in sentencing.”

Indiana, for example, implemente­d a comprehens­ive criminal justice reform package when Vice President Mike Pence was governor.

“I would say that we need to adopt criminal justice reform nationally. We have got to do a better job recognizin­g and correcting the errors in the system that do ref lect institutio­nal bias in criminal justice,” Pence said in a campaign debate last year.

As governor of Texas, Energy Secretary Rick Perry guided his state through a major shift away from the kind of harsh penalties that Sessions seeks to restore in federal courts.

In those states and others, alarm at the escalating cost of incarcerat­ion helped drive calls for reform.

But Sessions, a former federal prosecutor in Alabama, was never on board with the push. As a U.S. senator from Alabama, he helped kill a proposed sentencing reform bill, warning the legislatio­n could lead to more felons on the streets. He also helped block a 2016 bill that would have eased federal sentencing for marijuana use.

Since joining the Trump administra­tion, Sessions has reversed an Obama administra­tion attempt to phase out federal contracts with private prisons, saying the cells will be needed for the boost in inmate population he sees coming.

Under mandatory sentencing laws, judges have little discretion on how to sentence drug offenders. Prosecutor­s’ decisions on charging often determine how long offenders will spend in prison. For example, if federal prosecutor­s include the amount of drugs in their written charges, that can trigger a mandatory minimum sentence.

They also can file motions for so-called sentence enhancemen­ts, which can essentiall­y double drug sentences for repeat offenders, or put them in jail for life.

Some prosecutor­s use these tough tools as a hammer in plea negotiatio­ns or to force offenders to cooperate.

In his memo, Sessions said prosecutor­s must disclose “all facts” relevant to a sentence, like drug amounts. He also canceled a Holder policy that said prosecutor­s should not use sentencing enhancemen­t motions to coerce guilty pleas.

“Drug traffickin­g is an inherently violent business,” Sessions said. “If you want to collect a drug debt, you can’t file a lawsuit in court. You collect it by the barrel of a gun.”

He said heroin is cheaper, purer and more easily available than ever. Advocates of sentencing reform say that the opioid crisis is evidence that tough policies of the past have failed.

But Sessions said that tougher enforcemen­t could “reverse that trend.”

One former federal judge from Tennessee said he was forced to sentence a low-level drug dealer to life in prison. The defendant refused to take a plea deal for 20 years in prison and was convicted.

“Under no circumstan­ces was this sentence justice,” said the former judge, Kevin Sharp, who has become an advocate for sentencing reform. “We ruined his life.”

In drug cases, Sharp said, the judge’s role in sentencing is dramatical­ly reduced. “I have yet to talk to a judge who says mandatory minimums are a good idea,” he said.

 ?? Michael Reynolds European Pressphoto Agency ?? ATTY. GEN. Jeff Sessions issued a memo that reverses Obama administra­tion changes in drug policy.
Michael Reynolds European Pressphoto Agency ATTY. GEN. Jeff Sessions issued a memo that reverses Obama administra­tion changes in drug policy.

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