Los Angeles Times

GOP wins high-stakes House seat in Georgia

Despite close race, it’s a blow for Democrats desperate for victory.

- By Evan Halper, Jenny Jarvie and Mark Z. Barabak

SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. — Democrats came up short Tuesday night in their costly bid to wrest control of a longtime GOP congressio­nal seat in the suburbs north of Atlanta, losing a race the party had hoped would showcase deep Republican vulnerabil­ity in the Trump era.

Republican Karen Handel, the former secretary of state of Georgia, defeated Democrat Jon Ossoff, 52% to 48%. The contest had turned into the costliest House race in history, as Democratic activists nationwide sent a surge of donations to political newcomer Ossoff in an attempt to turn blue a district Republican­s have controlled since the Carter administra­tion.

The seat was last held by Tom Price, who vacated it to become President Trump’s Health and Human Services secretary. While the close election result is sobering for the Republican Party in a conservati­ve district it customaril­y wins by double digits, the victory helps the party avert — for now — potentiall­y much more damaging fallout for the White House and Republican­s in Congress.

“It’s a huge disappoint­ment for Democrats, who really did put all their eggs in this one basket, feeling as though it was the kind of district — upscale, higher education, higher income voters that went only narrowly for

Trump — that if there’s any movement nationally, it should show up,” said Stuart Rothenberg, a veteran nonpartisa­n elections analyst.

Democrats may also be regretting that they invested so heavily in the Georgia district but paid little attention to the other congressio­nal special election that took place Tuesday, in the South Carolina district vacated by White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.

Republican­s prevailed there — but by a substantia­lly slimmer margin than had been anticipate­d. In a district Democratic leaders had largely written off as unwinnable, Republican Ralph Norman, a former state representa­tive, edged out his Democratic rival, Archie Parnell, just 51% to 48%.

But it was the race in Georgia where most of the attention had been focused. Among the most concerned about the outcome was Trump himself, who had been attacking Ossoff on Twitter since Monday. Had the seat slipped away from Republican­s, Trump was threatened with losing his grip on anxious GOP lawmakers in Congress.

“Donald Trump can breathe a lot easier tomorrow with the knowledge that they came after Republican­s hard, with millions of dollars, and Republican­s still won,” said Kerwin Swint, a professor of political science at Kennesaw State University in Georgia.

Trump congratula­ted Handel over Twitter, but before he did, he tweeted a thank you to Fox News for declaring the special election was a “huge win” for him and the GOP.

Handel’s victory suggests that despite an erosion of support precipitat­ed by the tumult in Washington, Republican­s are not seeing a mass defection of their base. Vulnerable GOP candidates in moderate districts who may be contemplat­ing distancing themselves from the president were probably reassured somewhat by the results Tuesday.

It was a tough night for Democrats. They are desperate for a win, and despite making every effort to keep the expectatio­ns of activists measured, failure to notch this victory after all the effort and money expended is likely to lead to a fresh round of soul-searching and a renewed debate over the path the party needs to take to start winning again. The Democrats’ ability to recruit top-tier candidates for competitiv­e — and even longshot — congressio­nal seats is undermined by the loss.

Balloting Tuesday was complicate­d by torrential rain in the area, creating additional worries for the candidates as they scrambled to get out the vote. Strategist­s pondered how the weather might hurt one side or the other, but it was impossible to gauge in this off-season special election with unpreceden­ted spending, in which all the usual turnout assumption­s did not necessaril­y apply.

Democrats saw an opening in the region after Trump won the district by less than 2 percentage points. They were hoping the effort would chart a path for Democrats nationwide to rebuild their power base in onetime GOP stronghold­s such as Orange County.

Some $60 million was spent in the Georgia election by the candidates and an assortment of ideologica­l and political outside groups. Ossoff was an unknown even in his district a few months ago, but he surged to national recognitio­n after an endorsemen­t from civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis of Atlanta moved progressiv­es to activate a wildly successful digital fundraisin­g effort on his behalf.

Handel is a former executive at the Susan G. Komen for the Cure charity for breast cancer. She played a major role in that organizati­on’s decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood — and became a favorite of the right along the way.

In April, the cash infusion for Ossoff, the eagerness of Democrats to consolidat­e around him and widespread voter anxiety in the district over Trump contribute­d to a surprising­ly strong showing in an open primary. Ossoff won 48% of the vote, just 2 points shy of winning the race outright. Handel split the conservati­ve vote with a few other well-funded Republican­s, winning 18%.

But some analysts say that all the money that flooded into the district may have ultimately annoyed voters and played to Handel’s favor. “If Democrats put this much energy into the district, some Republican­s are going to be so turned off that they decide to turn out, even if they hadn’t in the first round,” said David Wasserman, an elections analyst with the Cook Political Report.

Particular­ly invested in the race had been California­ns. More California­ns contribute­d to it than donors from any other state, including Georgia. References to San Francisco played front and center in GOP campaign attacks. Liberal Hollywood celebritie­s lent their star power.

Handel repeatedly made an issue out of Ossoff ’s California money. The Democrat raised nearly $5 for every $1 Handel raised, pushing her to rely heavily on millions of dollars in spending from outside conservati­ve groups, which poured money into the race at more than double the rate of outside liberal groups.

But Ossoff also helped drive the narrative that he was an outsider by choosing to live outside the district. Though he grew up in the district, he is now a resident of Atlanta, where his girlfriend is finishing medical school. Trump has been attacking the candidate as an outsider.

“Democrat Jon Ossoff, who wants to raise your taxes to the highest level and is weak on crime and security, doesn’t even live in district,” Trump tweeted Tuesday. He did much the same on Monday.

After her victory, Handel struck a conciliato­ry note to Democrats. “We may have some different beliefs, but we are part of one community. I will work … hard to win your confidence,” she said.

Ossoff said Democrats had put up an impressive fight. “We showed the world that in places where no one thought it was even possible to fight, we could fight,” he said. “This is not the outcome any of us would hope for. But this is the beginning of something much bigger than us.”

GOP operatives in Orange Country watched the race nervously. The demographi­cs in that longtime Republican bastion of Southern California in many ways resemble those of the Georgia district. Democrats have even more momentum in Orange County, which voted for Hillary Clinton in November. The four House Republican­s representi­ng the county are among the lawmakers most aggressive­ly targeted for defeat in 2018 by the Democratic Congressio­nal Campaign Committee. The committee has moved its West Coast command center, long located in Washington, D.C., to Irvine.

Political strategist­s are loath to read too much into the results of special elections, which take place in the off-season and tend to get wrapped up in local issues that don’t necessaril­y apply to the broader electorate.

“Right now we’re grasping at every straw, every special election, every poll that comes out,” Rothenberg said. “That doesn’t mean a year from now the situation will be identical in this district or anywhere else.”

But amid all the national attention the race received, there is no denying the loss was a dispiritin­g blow to Democrats.

 ?? John Bazemore Associated Press ?? REPUBLICAN Karen Handel celebrates her election triumph.
John Bazemore Associated Press REPUBLICAN Karen Handel celebrates her election triumph.
 ?? Curtis Compton Atlanta Journal-Constituti­on ?? ALTHOUGH Karen Handel, Georgia’s former secretary of state, distanced herself from President Trump, her election victory is a political win for him.
Curtis Compton Atlanta Journal-Constituti­on ALTHOUGH Karen Handel, Georgia’s former secretary of state, distanced herself from President Trump, her election victory is a political win for him.
 ?? Erik S. Lesser European Pressphoto Agency ?? “THIS IS not the outcome any of us would hope for,” Democrat Jon Ossoff said in defeat. “But this is the beginning of something much bigger than us.”
Erik S. Lesser European Pressphoto Agency “THIS IS not the outcome any of us would hope for,” Democrat Jon Ossoff said in defeat. “But this is the beginning of something much bigger than us.”

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