Los Angeles Times

Russia’s sanctions retaliatio­n

President Trump’s blind spot on election meddling continues to muddle U.S. policy on Russia.


Vladimir Putin’s decision to order a reduction in the U.S. diplomatic presence in Russia is an admission of defeat in his efforts to reverse sanctions imposed by the Obama administra­tion for Russia’s meddling in last year’s U.S. elections. “We waited for quite a long time” to respond, Putin said in a television interview Sunday, in the hope “that, perhaps, something will change for the better.”

But it’s easy to see why Putin might have thought President Trump in the end would forgive Russian interferen­ce in the race for the White House — which U.S. intelligen­ce agencies described as “a significan­t escalation in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous operations aimed at U.S. elections.”

In December, when Putin didn’t immediatel­y retaliate for President Obama’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and his closing of two compounds allegedly used for espionage, then-President-elect Trump tweeted: “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) — I always knew he was very smart!”

After Trump took office, his administra­tion floated the idea of easing sanctions. Last month, Trump aide Sebastian Gorka said the administra­tion was considerin­g returning the two compounds to Russia because “we want to give collaborat­ion [and] cooperatio­n a chance.”

And even when Putin lost patience and retaliated, it wasn’t because Trump changed his mind about Russian meddling. “Maybe they did it, maybe they didn’t do it,” Trump recently was quoted as saying.

What really happened is that veto-proof majorities in both houses of Congress gave Trump little choice but to sign legislatio­n codifying these sanctions and others punishing Russia for its aggression in Ukraine and arms shipments to Syria. (The bill also imposes sanctions on North Korea and Iran.) Trump rationaliz­ed his decision to sign the legislatio­n by claiming, unconvinci­ngly, that “critical elements” had been modified to meet his objections.

Obviously, the United States must deal with Russia on a variety of issues, including North Korea, the war in Syria and negotiatio­ns on the two superpower­s’ nuclear arsenals. But the U.S. must proceed cautiously and with due regard for Russia’s hostile behavior toward the U.S. and its allies.

Vice President Mike Pence seems to recognize that. Speaking in Tallinn, Estonia, on Monday, Pence said that “the president and our Congress are unified in our message to Russia — a better relationsh­ip, and the lifting of sanctions, will require Russia to reverse the actions that caused the sanctions to be imposed in the first place.”

That message would ring truer, though, if Trump would stop questionin­g whether Russia really was guilty as charged.

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