Los Angeles Times

‘Kill’ is a twist on dark comedy

- — Kimber Myers

Filled with a dry wit driven by its writer-director-star Ingrid Jungermann, “Women Who Kill” is a darkly comic indie that is a distinct product of its place and time. Its location is Park Slope in Brooklyn, and much of the drama takes place in a co-op grocery store, a quintessen­tial neighborho­od spot. Its timing in the present places it firmly in the world where podcast hosts are local celebritie­s and the borough’s residents use Zipcar for their errands.

Morgan (Jungermann) hosts “Women Who Kill,” a true crime podcast with her ex-girlfriend Jean (Ann Carr), where they interview female serial killers, including Lila (Annette O’Toole). Morgan’s passion for stories of murder extends to her relationsh­ip with Simone (Sheila Vand), a mysterious young woman she meets at the coop. Is Simone more devious than what she seems, or is Morgan simply inventing trouble in her romance?

“Women Who Kill” is delightful­ly specific in its approach to its characters and their community. It takes a familiar theme of romantic comedies — the fear of commitment — and gives it new life by adding a morbid element to the mix.

Jungermann’s deadpan humor and line delivery are equally refreshing for the genre, but she also brings a strong eye as a director to her feature debut.

“Women Who Kill.” Not rated. Running time: 1 hour, 33 minutes. Playing: Arena Cinema, Los Angeles.

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