Los Angeles Times

Colorblind heroism

Re: “A city pummeled,” Aug. 28

- David S. Cantor Ken Levy Alan Rachins Kemp Richardson Ron Stearns Hal Rothberg Lyla Fadali Anne Farrell

There is a collateral benefit to the horrendous, devastatin­g storm in Texas. This should be appreciate­d by President Trump on Tuesday when he visits the affected areas.

He should notice that women and men of Hispanic heritage and others of all colors and races have come to the rescue of the victims of this major disaster. All this is being done independen­t of the immigratio­n status of the population.

What they do have in common is this: strength of purpose and a willingnes­s to sacrifice their own safety in order to save others. Solidarity, dignity and national unity should now emerge intact with no stains.

We are all Texans. :: :: :: :: Los Angeles

Los Angeles

The most consistent aspect of Trump is his contempt for decency, the latest example of which is his pardoning of Arpaio. It’s not a surprise that Trump should be drawn to support Arpaio, who repeatedly abused his power and violated the 4th Amendment to the Constituti­on. To Trump, Arpaio is a hero.

The level of nausea and disgust that Trump keeps generating seems to have no limit. (Recall allegation­s that he hung around the dressing room watching beauty contestant­s change for the contest, his boasting of fondling women and his promotion of the racist lie that President Obama is not a natural-born citizen.)

Whether this rises to the level of an impeachabl­e offense, I’ll leave that for the lawyers. But I can say confidentl­y that Trump is repulsive.

Los Angeles

Arpaio deserved not only a pardon but a Medal of Freedom for his courageous efforts to protect his constituen­ts from illegal immigrants despite the efforts of the criminal alien lobby to demonize him.

Santa Clarita

There isn’t much that I would agree on with David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, but I would have to agree with him that the people who share his worldview were important in getting Trump elected.

In pardoning Arpaio, Trump acknowledg­es and partially pays the debt that he owes for that crucial support.


Over the last few days, the president has moved on his promised military transgende­r ban, pardoned Arpaio and said nothing about global warming as a possible component of the Texas devastatio­n.

Now, for the good news ....

Calabasas ::

I certainly hope The Times will continue its balanced and honest coverage. And I certainly think balanced and honest coverage will deliver scathing reports on Trump, who cares not a whit for left or right, but only for himself.

Los Angeles

I was born in L.A. in 1950 and lived there for the first 30 years of my life. It is and always will be “home” to me, and the L.A. Times was my first and is still my favorite newspaper.

Thus, I was alarmed by the piece on advice from readers who support the president. Is this The Times announcing its own move to the right?

Contrary to what Trump says, the major newspapers in this country are not “fake news” but actual news — actually reporting on the shocking and devastatin­g things he is doing to America. Only journalist­s can save us by reporting the truth.

Please uphold the highest standards of journalism and keep watch over our democracy from those who would move it into an autocracy or worse.

Del Mar

 ?? Steve Gonzales Associated Press ?? NEIGHBORS use their personal boats to rescue a resident of Friendswoo­d, Texas, on Sunday.
Steve Gonzales Associated Press NEIGHBORS use their personal boats to rescue a resident of Friendswoo­d, Texas, on Sunday.

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