Los Angeles Times

Some cracks in Trump’s support

His most fervent backers are firm, polls show. But others can’t hide disappoint­ment.

- By David Lauter david. lauter@ latimes. com

WASHINGTON — With each crisis of the young Trump administra­tion, reporters and pollsters have documented the steady support the president continues to get from his most ardent backers, the roughly 1 in 4 Americans who consistent­ly tell pollsters that they approve of his performanc­e in office, agree with him on most issues and like his personalit­y.

On Tuesday night at a focus group in Pittsburgh, a group of reporters heard from a different slice of Trump voters — ones he’s lost for now.

“Outrageous,” “disappoint­ed,” “not ready” were among the adjectives that focus group members tossed out when asked for a single word to describe the president — and those were from the participan­ts who had voted for him.

“He has got to be his own worst enemy,” said Tony Sciullo, a lifelong Pittsburgh resident and a registered independen­t who works for an insurance agency and described President Trump as an “abject disappoint­ment.”

“He’s such an incredibly f lawed individual who has articulate­d so many of the values that I hold dear,” Sciullo said, adding that he almost wished Trump were on the other side of the political divide because of the damage he sees him doing to conservati­ve causes.

Brian Rush, a registered Republican who works as a sales representa­tive, voiced a slightly more supportive view. “I’m still going to hold off judgment,” he said. “I’m hoping things can turn around.”

Trump “does want this country to be great,” Rush said. He likened the administra­tion to a new car that now had several dents and was “not running the way it should” while the mechanics “don’t know exactly why.”

Focus groups such as this one, which was conducted by veteran pollster Peter D. Hart as part of a project for Emory University, aren’t polls; they provide insights into how people are thinking, not into how large a particular group may be. This group, which reporters could view remotely, included a dozen people — five who voted for Trump, six for Hillary Clinton and one who voted for neither. None of the f ive Trump voters said they currently approved of the president.

Numerous public polls provide insights into how common such views are.

Fewer def lated Trump voters exist than hard- core Trump backers: Most of those who voted for the president last year remain behind him. But the disappoint­ed voters nonetheles­s could be crucial in the future. Trump won each of the three states that provided his margin of victory — Pennsylvan­ia, Michigan and Wisconsin — by less than a percentage point. He carried Pennsylvan­ia by just over 44,000 votes.

By comparison, the share of self- identified Republican­s who say they approve of Trump’s performanc­e in office has dropped by about 10 percentage points, from the high 80% range to the high 70% range, since he took office, according to averages of publicly available polling.

A significan­t slide in his approval among Republican­s has occurred since early July, coinciding with the Senate’s rejection last month of measures to repeal the Affordable Care Act and Trump’s controvers­ial comments this month about the violence surroundin­g neoNazi demonstrat­ions in Charlottes­ville, Va.

That still gives Trump a big majority within his party — enough to intimidate some GOP elected officials. But presidents in the polarized political environmen­t of the last few decades usually can count on support from 90% or more of their fellow partisans. That was true for President Obama and for President George W. Bush for most of their tenures.

A recent survey by the nonpartisa­n Pew Research Center found that about 1 in 5 self- identified Republican­s said they didn’t like the way Trump “conducts himself as president,” while about half said they had mixed feelings, and about one- third said they liked what he did.

Asked about his specific positions, roughly 3 in 10 Republican­s said they agreed with Trump on only a few ( 22%) or no ( 8%) issues. Pew conducted the survey among 1,893 adults nationwide, Aug. 15 to 21; the margin of error is 2.9 percentage points in either direction.

Both the polling data and the focus group indicate that the way voters react to Trump’s behavior and personalit­y, not his positions on particular issues, drives the way they feel about him. A second Pew survey asked both Trump supporters and opponents what they liked and disliked about him. On both sides, his personalit­y dominated the results.

Among those who approved of Trump’s performanc­e in office, for example, about half listed aspects of his personalit­y when asked what they liked about him. Only about 1 in 8 cited a specific policy position.

Among those who disapprove­d of Trump’s job performanc­e, an even smaller share, 7%, mentioned specific policies. But nearly 6 in 10 said they disliked everything about him.

That survey was conducted online, using a panel of 4,971 adults chosen to ref lect the demographi­cs of the U. S. population; it has an estimated sampling error of 2.3 percentage points in either direction.

For both sides, Trump’s use of Twitter has come to symbolize several aspects of his behavior — his pugnacity and willingnes­s to quarrel with those he perceives as having slighted him; his tendency to blurt out what’s on his mind, even if that might hurt his long- term objectives; and his unwillingn­ess to be controlled by his handlers.

To many of his supporters, those traits indicate authentici­ty and Trump’s willingnes­s to take on the political establishm­ent. To critics, including those within his own party, that same behavior conveys a sense of indiscipli­ne and chaos they find troubling.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT TRUMP “has got to be his own worst enemy,” said a Pittsburgh man who voted for Trump.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais Associated Press PRESIDENT TRUMP “has got to be his own worst enemy,” said a Pittsburgh man who voted for Trump.

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