Los Angeles Times

‘Vault’ yields intensity

- — Noel Murray

“The Vault” is a combinatio­n heist and horror picture; and it’s the rare genre mash-up where each element’s equally strong. Director Dan Bush and his screenwrit­ing partner Conal Byrne start the film with a daylight robbery sequence so pulse-pounding that it’s almost a shame when the masked monsters arrive.

James Franco has what amounts to an extended cameo as Ed, a bank manager aware of a deadly secret in his employer’s basement. When siblings Leah, Vee and Michael Dillon (played by Francesca Eastwood, Taryn Manning and Scott Haze) show up late one afternoon with a crew of thugs, Ed steers the interloper­s to the creep-infested undergroun­d.

Bush and Byrne (who previously made the brainy sci-fi exercise “The Reconstruc­tion of William Zero”) create an atmosphere of real and implied menace. The crooks come into the bank already cranky, after setting a nearby fire to keep emergency crews occupied — filling the soundtrack with unsettling distant sirens.

Once the filmmakers introduce their subterrane­an maniacs, they pivot too slowly from crime to supernatur­al thrills. Still, this picture’s uniformly well-acted and well-directed, with an emphasis on intense, intimate interactio­ns between the bank staff and the folks taking them hostage.

“The Vault” lacks a larger point, but from moment to moment it’s a gripping mystery, punctuated by gory violence. The plot may swing as wildly as it does because Bush and Byrne were extemporiz­ing. But when one set of villains is stalking another in a pitch-black bunker, viewers should be too on edge to care much about how they got there. “The Vault.” Not rated. Running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes. Playing: Ahrya Fine Arts, Beverly Hills; Laemmle Noho 7, North Hollywood.

 ?? FilmRise ?? JAMES FRANCO, right, portrays a bank manager with a secret in the heist-horror mash-up “The Vault.”
FilmRise JAMES FRANCO, right, portrays a bank manager with a secret in the heist-horror mash-up “The Vault.”

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