Los Angeles Times

The tyranny of the minority


In California, it takes just a simple majority of voters to elect a mayor, a governor or even a member of Congress. But it requires a supermajor­ity — two-thirds of the vote — to pass a local tax to fund a specific program, such as street repairs, parks or libraries. This disparity is due to Propositio­n 218, a 1996 ballot measure designed to make it harder for local government­s to raise taxes, fees and assessment­s.

At least, it used to take a supermajor­ity. On Aug. 28, the state Supreme Court struck a welcome blow to the unreasonab­ly high vote thresholds in Propositio­n 218, upholding a lower court ruling that the propositio­n applies only to measures put on the ballot by elected government bodies, not to those sponsored by citizens. This is good news for communitie­s that need to raise taxes for worthy projects, reaffirmin­g the democratic principle that such decisions ought to reflect the will of the majority.

Propositio­n 218 — which, it must be pointed out, needed only a majority of votes to pass — subverted this principle by requiring cities, counties, school districts and other local government­s to obtain the approval of two-thirds of the voters for most proposed tax increases. The sole exception was for taxes that go into a municipali­ty’s general fund to support overall government operations, perhaps because general-purpose tax hikes are a tougher sell than those with a specific goal, such as building housing for the homeless or funding public transporta­tion projects.

The restraints imposed by Propositio­n 218 reflected its supporters’ belief that local government­s had oversteppe­d in their desperatio­n for revenue in the years after voters approved another anti-tax measure, Propositio­n 13. The lawsuit that led to the Supreme Court’s ruling last week, however, wasn’t primarily a fight over tax rates — it was a battle over whether a marijuana-related initiative could appear on a specialele­ction ballot in Upland — and did not seek to upend the supermajor­ity threshold. That was a happy accident.

In addition to its supermajor­ity provision, Propositio­n 218 requires tax and fee measures to appear only on general-election ballots. But the justices held that Propositio­n 218 didn’t apply to the proposed Upland initiative — despite the fee it would impose on marijuana dispensari­es — because it the measure wasn’t voted onto the ballot by a government­al body.

If citizen initiative­s are no longer subject to Propositio­n 218, then they will no longer require a supermajor­ity to pass. As Supreme Court Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuellar wrote in the majority opinion, Propositio­n 218 "does not constrain voters’ constituti­onal power to propose and adopt initiative­s."

The prospect of a lower threshold is likely to prompt a local initiative to raise taxes in the near future. This is why California Republican­s are trying to rush through a bill to put a constituti­onal amendment on the November 2018 ballot that would explicitly extend Propositio­n 218 to measures filed by citizens too. Ironically, this effort needs a two-thirds supermajor­ity in the Legislatur­e to get placed on the ballot.

It would serve the GOP right to be tripped up by the same undemocrat­ic hurdle as they would place before citizens trying to raise their own taxes to pay for things they want or need. It’s tough to get two-thirds of a group to agree on what to have for dinner, let alone to make important decisions about public finances. What Propositio­n 218 did was to give outsized power to NIMBYs and naysayers to thwart the will of a majority of their fellow voters. Call it the tyranny of the minority.

While we applaud this ruling and its implicatio­ns, restraint is advised. California­ns already shoulder one of the highest tax burdens in the country. Nor should local government officials see this an open invitation to advance tax proposals while hiding behind bogus grass-roots organizati­ons. Abuse could well lead to another anti-tax backlash. Remember, it would take only a majority of California­ns to pass another law slapping a two-thirds restrictio­n on citizens’ right to tax themselves in local elections.

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