Los Angeles Times

True work friends make a difference

- — Michael Hoon,

There are a lot of reasons it’s great to have a true pal and confidant at work. Random “just saying hi” pop ins make your day go faster. You have a constant lunch or coffee break buddy. And work-wise, it can often mean a strong ally. But negotiatin­g the road to real friendship can be tricky. Here’s how to do it:

Find someone you trust.

You can’t afford to lay it all out there for just anyone. Quality is much more important than quantity when it comes to office friendship­s. Shoot for one (or two) people who seem to have interests and life situations and values most in common with you.

Don’t rush the process.

Don’t jump right into the meaningful convos over margaritas stage, or the inviting people over for dinner with your family stage. Going from coworker to friend takes a gentle touch — if things don’t work out, you still need to see the person every day. Start with a casual coffee or a lunch to test the waters. Is the conversati­on effortless? Do you feel comfortabl­e, and can you tell whether your new pal-to-be feels comfortabl­e as well?

Lead with what interests you.

Don’t just talk about work. Start trying out conversati­ons that have more to do with your outside life, interests, hobbies, and passions, and see how well you match up. To build a real friendship you’ll need to build shared memories, which is much easier to do when you have more in common than just where you go to work each day. Try not to go too personal too soon, though — you can bare your soul a few months down the line, not right after you find out whether or not someone has any siblings.

Open up when you feel comfortabl­e.

When you feel like things are really moving along well, it might be time to let your hair down cautiously and share some more personal details. No oversharin­g! Keep it relaxed and not too dramatic. Take your cues from your new friend, as well. Listen to what they’re talking about and try not to bulldoze through whatever boundaries they might be adhering to with big blockbuste­r confession­s.

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