Los Angeles Times

If you meet Pennywise, it’s no laughing matter

- By Steven Zeitchik steve.zeitchik@latimes.com Twitter: @ZeitchikLA­T

TORONTO — Maybe it’s the recent announceme­nt of a new Joker origin story or perhaps just 2017’s general specter of clownish grotesquer­ie, but something feels perfectly timely about Pennywise.

The villain from Stephen King’s “It” terrified when he was left to childhood imaginatio­ns in the author’s 1986 doorstoppe­r. And he is likely to send similar shudders after appearing, in the form of young Swedish actor Bill Skarsgard, in the new Warner Bros. release opening Friday.

One of the great fixtures of modern literary evil, Pennywise, with the help of the 27-year-old Skarsgard, is attempting to jump mediums and give a new generation an injection of fear.

At barely 8 a.m. one day last year, Skarsgard was in a trailer on a soundstage in an industrial section of this Canadian metropolis. As he sat in a makeup chair amid a blur of hands and brushes, he cut a contrastin­gly banal image, like a beautysalo­n visit gone awry.

Foundation was dabbed on him with a tofu-like applicator. Pens etched dark lines on his cheekbones. Powder rose off his face like steam. His nose looked like it had been in an accident at a sunscreen lab.

“It’s a lot easier to have this done early in the morning,” Skarsgard said drolly. “Then you’re too tired to know it’s going on.”

Audiences watching him won’t feel sleepy. Though he appears only intermitte­ntly before the film’s climax, Skarsgard’s Pennywise makes a deep impression.

As the embodiment of evil — or is it a manifestat­ion of our fears? — Pennywise terrorizes a small Maine town every 27 years. He’s at it again in the 1989 edition of the film, in events that particular­ly affect a group of nerdish preadolesc­ents known as the Losers’ Club.

Lurking in the town’s sewer system, Pennywise’s face often clenches into a malevolent smile, and his eyes pop with evil curiosity. His voice can be jolly, almost inquisitiv­e, until it gives way to a crushing wickedness; witness how he courts then consumes a young boy who’s lost his toy in the film’s first section.

“There is something inexplicab­le about Pennywise, and it should be that way,” Skarsgard said from the makeup chair. “Heath Ledger’s Joker is rooted in the real; you can break down the psychology. But Pennywise is not” — he laughs — “a real person.”

Playing the villain in this post-Nolan moment requires a certain brand of subtlety. Too much makeup or too many twitches and it becomes out-of-date, cartoonish. Skarsgard — who will incarnate another character in the burgeoning King universe with Hulu’s “Castle Rock” — says he was on guard against that with this role.

Still, understate­ment wouldn’t be the word to use here. Said director Andres Muschietti of the character: “Pennywise as a shape-shifting monster requires a certain treatment, a certain vision. I didn’t want to be small in those aspects.”

That can be felt particular­ly with his emotions, which often veer into boyish glee. Emotional range comes easily for Skarsgard, who hails from a long acting lineage (dad Stellan, older brother Alexander), and he lets it fly in the part. “I did want it feel like he’s having fun. Pennywise enjoys scaring kids and eating them — when people are most scared, that’s when he’s happiest.”

Skarsgard’s face is now almost entirely white, as though a flour bomb has gone off behind him.

“But I also think it’s important that Pennywise is always off-putting and weird and evil. He laughs at the panicking child. I want the audience to say, ‘What’s so funny about that?’ ”

What Pennywise represents might be murky to some moviegoers. Fears, yes, but of what kind? That he exists merely as a reflection of others can make the character feel nebulous.

On the other hand, such lack of definition also gives him a certain elasticity. Pennywise might be a fear of mortality, or a representa­tion of childhood anxieties, or — yes — a concern about certain political figures.

“There’s a quote in the book that goes something like, ‘although a great mocker of emotions, he never felt one of his own,’ ” Skarsgard said.

The actor paused. He now looked fully like the man he was describing.

“It’s a little like a destructiv­e relationsh­ip, the force of the character. You don’t even know you’re in it. But when it’s off you, you feel it.”

 ?? Brooke Palmer Warner Bros. ?? THE SINISTER clown of Stephen King’s novel (Bill Skarsgard) works his malevolent magic in the film.
Brooke Palmer Warner Bros. THE SINISTER clown of Stephen King’s novel (Bill Skarsgard) works his malevolent magic in the film.

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