Los Angeles Times

Religious test for court nominees

Re “On law vs. religion, keep asking,” Opinion, Sept. 15


There is one fundamenta­l reason obliging Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) to query federal judicial nominee Amy Comey Barrett about her Roman Catholic faith: the constituti­onal prohibitio­n against applying any “religious test” as a qualificat­ion for public office.

Compelling circumstan­ces confront Feinstein here. Barrett’s nomination came from a president who notoriousl­y pandered to devout conservati­ves to win an election. Plus, the religious right long has been unapologet­ic about seeking to pack the courts with justices who pass their faith-friendly litmus tests.

Good for Feinstein. Our Constituti­on demands that she and other senators spare no query that may reveal Barrett’s inclinatio­n to affirm the religious tests she passed to secure her nomination. Glenda Martel Los Angeles

Progressiv­es with political power are rapidly changing the traditiona­l religious values that were once taken for granted by most citizens.

Jews and Christians know God does not change. He has let us know, through Moses and Jesus, what is on his mind on matters of family, marriage, sex, abortion and children. We have drifted far from the societal norms of 60 years ago, when William Brennan took his oath of office as a Supreme Court justice after promising fealty only to the law and not the doctrines of his Roman Catholic faith.

Lately, both Feinstein and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) have challenged the beliefs of two Trump appointees who happen to be individual­s of faith. They are ignoring the Article VI provision in the Constituti­on that “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualificat­ion to any office or public trust under the United States.” Elizabeth Norling Long Beach

Any judge who cites a subjective religious belief as the sole basis for her findings is neither objective nor offering debatable, deliberati­ve opinion. Consequent­ly, she reveals herself to be unfit to serve on the bench.

Every judge’s ruling, even those citing a religious belief, must be supported by an at least equally compelling secular argument.

Claiming a legal right or exemption based exclusivel­y on sanctity is a nonstarter; sin and evil have no legal meaning. We do not live in a theocracy; our laws must pass secular muster.

Keep asking, Sen. Feinstein. Arthur D. Wahl Port Hueneme

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