Los Angeles Times

Our obligation to refugees

With so many people fleeing war and persecutio­n, Trump would be heartless to let fewer into the U.S.


War, political instabilit­y and persecutio­n around the globe have sent more people – about 66 million – running for their lives than at any other time in modern history. The number, though, obscures the scope of the human drama — masses of people of all ages seeking distant shores in unseaworth­y boats, trekking across deserts or jungles to reach dusty and overcrowde­d tent colonies or, for the lucky, squatting uncertainl­y in apartments in strange cities, their futures at best on hold, at worst already disappeari­ng.

Despite the growing accumulati­on of human misery, the Trump administra­tion is reportedly considerin­g an even more coldhearte­d response: reducing for the second straight year the number of refugees the U.S. will accept annually for permanent resettleme­nt. To do so would be a further repudiatio­n of the nation’s moral tradition of offering a haven to those who have no chance of a future in their home countries.

The number of displaced people the U.S. accepts for resettleme­nt has fluctuated wildly over the years. President Obama initially lowered the ceiling to 70,000 , but last year increased it to 110,000 in response to the humanitari­an crisis around the Mediterran­ean Sea. (That’s not a hard cap; close relatives of the resettled often can be admitted, too.) President Trump, though, almost immediatel­y cut the cap to 50,000, and now some in his administra­tion want to lower it to 40,000 or fewer in the next fiscal year.

Resettling refugees has, unfortunat­ely, become conflated in the minds of many with overall immigratio­n policy, which grants legal permanent resident status to more than 1 million people a year. And while it involves immigratio­n, resettling refugees is more than that. It’s an act of mercy, and the U.S. has historical­ly led the world in giving the most desperate of the displaced an opportunit­y to build a permanent new home.

Under the process, the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees determines that certain displaced people have no reasonable expectatio­n of returning to their native lands. After an extended vetting process, the UNHCR refers individual refugees to a country in which it believes the refugees stand the best chance of success. Refugees referred to the U.S. are then vetted again by the State Department and Department of Homeland Security; none of the 3 million refugees resettled in the U.S. since 1980 has killed anyone here in an act of terror.

Even those people who believe that we should tighten up the border and reduce legal and illegal immigratio­n ought to stand up for the long-held principle (too often ignored) that America should be a place of refuge for desperate people fleeing persecutio­n. Not all of them, of course, but when the world is confrontin­g a refugee crisis of the current magnitude, we should be opening doors to more of the desperate, not fewer.

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